Tous les articles tagués sculptures

212 Articles
  • Valeria Dalmon – Textiles sculptures bunny
  • Valeria Dalmon – Textiles sculptures
  • Valeria Dalmon – Textiles sculptures
  • Valeria Dalmon – Textiles sculptures
  • Valeria Dalmon – Textiles sculptures
  • Valeria Dalmon – Textiles sculptures puppets
  • Valeria Dalmon – Textiles sculptures
  • Valeria Dalmon – Textiles sculptures bunny
  • Valeria Dalmon – Textiles sculptures bunny
  • Valeria Dalmon – Textiles sculptures bunny
  • Valeria Dalmon – Textiles sculptures bunny
  • Valeria Dalmon – Textiles sculptures bunny
  • valeria dalmon – textiles sculptures
  • Valeria Dalmon – Textiles sculptures bunny
  • Valeria Dalmon – muDanza – Textiles sculptures
  • Valeria Dalmon – Joven arquera – Textiles sculptures
  • Valeria Dalmon – Carnaval – Textiles sculptures
  • Valeria Dalmon – alunizaje – Textiles sculptures
  • valeria Dalmon – Art dolls textile
  • valeria dalmon – textiles sculptures portrait

Theater Textiles sculptures ART of Valeria Dalmon

Theater Textiles sculptures ART of Valeria Dalmon ! (Argentine)

Valeria Dalmon - Textiles sculptures bunny

Valeria Dalmon – Textiles sculptures bunny

Visual Artist Sculptor. Film and theater director (objects, special costumes, masks, full heads of animals, dolls, puppets, costumes, memorabilia direct manipulation, scenic objects, models) I teach in my private studio : sculpture, modeling, drawing, construction of objects from recycled materials, wood, wire, material utilization, textiles, sewing, handling tools,
Papers from student projects, and work to begin to approach the visual arts. Composition, balance, dolls, masks, cartapesta, puppets, etc..

  • Roser Oter – Sculptures figuratives
  • Roser Oter – sculptures cute readers
  • Roser Oter – sculptures cute readers
  • Roser Oter – sculptures cute readers
  • Roser Oter – sculptures cute readers
  • Roser Oter – sculptures figuratives
  • Roser Oter – sculptures cute readers
  • Roser Oter – sculptures cute readers
  • Roser Oter – Sculptures figuratives
  • Roser Oter – Sculptures figuratives
  • Roser Oter – Sculptures figuratives
  • Roser Oter – Sculptures figuratives
  • Roser Oter – Sculptures / Espagne

Cute readers sculptures of Roser Oter

Cute readers sculptures of Roser Oter (Espagne)

Roser Oter - sculptures cute readers

Roser Oter – sculptures cute readers

  • Paul Toupet – sculptures
  • Paul Toupet Crucifixion / sculpures
  • Paul Toupet – sculptures
  • Paul Toupet – Sculptures Copyright © Arcane Sin 2013
  • Paul Toupet – sculptures
  • Paul Toupet -Sculptures
  • Paul Toupet – Masque de Papa Accroupi
  • Paul Toupet – sculpture / expo
  • Paul Toupet – sculptures / bunny creature
  • Paul Toupet – sculptures / bunny creature
  • Paul Toupet – Sculpture lapin mask
  • Paul Toupet – Sculpture – Copyright © Arcane Sin 2013
  • Paul Toupet – Sculpture « Black black » 2016 – 163 cm
  • Paul Toupet – Sculpture « Black black » 2016 – 163 cm
  • Paul Toupet – sculptures
  • Paul Toupet – Sculpture (detail)Copyright © Arcane Sin 2013
  • Paul Toupet – Sculpture « Discussion » 2016
  • Paul Toupet – sculpture – Mickey
  • Paul Toupet – Mask – Serial Rabbits / sculptures

Poetic scary world with Paul Toupet

Poetic scary world with Paul Toupet… (France) – born 1979

Paul Toupet - sculptures

Paul Toupet – sculptures

Paul Toupet is a designer who was born in 1979 in Paris. Trained at the famous Penninghen art school and at the Workshop of Fine-Arts of Glacière in Paris, Paul Toupet has worked on the theme of human representation since 1996.Since May 1999, he displays his very particular and resolutely modern “Wax Puppets”: nucleated eyes, mouths vomiting braids, dressed in torn tissue or feathers, at a human or a child scale…
His art sometimes evokes childhood, sometimes mummies, the charred bodies of Pompeii, it revisits African art or religious art. The work of Paul Toupet is the fruit of multiple influences which are mixed and embezzle to create a poetic or provocating , a peaceful or scary world, according to the spectator’s gaze.
He is inspired by this artificial creature which have many anatomics possibilities. His work aims at transcribing a pure act of creation by the means of the unconscious which is expressed by the body. The Dolls of Paul Toupet seem to be out of time. This hybrid being would be involved in the formation of an intangible universe. Inanimate, almost eternal, it belongs to the uncanny but it is not devoid of a certain humor, even of a touch of burlesque. Dolls are spatial and temporal representations of the mores and folklore of a society.They materialise a certain conception of desire and phantasm.

Face à face from Vincent Galiano on Vimeo.

  • HORKA DOLLS – Art dolls sculptures – bunny
  • Klaudia Gaugier – FAUN TUM – HORKA Dolls
  • Klaudia Gaugier – Katya & TUM – HORKA Dolls
  • HORKA DOLLS – Art dolls sculptures
  • HORKA DOLLS – Art dolls sculptures
  • HORKA DOLLS – Klaudia Gaugier dolls
  • HORKA DOLLS – Klaudia Gaugier dolls
  • HORKA DOLLS – Klaudia Gaugier dolls
  • HORKA DOLLS – Art dolls sculptures
  • HORKA DOLLS – Klaudia Gaugier dolls
  • HORKA DOLLS – Klaudia Gaugier dolls
  • HORKA DOLLS – Art dolls sculptures
  • HORKA DOLLS – Art dolls sculptures
  • HORKA DOLLS – Art dolls sculptures
  • HORKA DOLLS – Art dolls sculptures-bunny
  • HORKA DOLLS – Art dolls sculptures pologne
  • HORKA DOLLS – Art dolls sculptures creation Pologne
  • HORKA DOLLS – Art dolls sculptures crea
  • HORKA DOLLS – Art dolls sculptures – cerf creature
  • HORKA DOLLS – Art dolls sculptures – bunny
  • HORKA DOLLS – Klaudia Gaugier dolls
  • HORKA DOLLS – Klaudia Gaugier dolls
  • HORKA DOLLS – Klaudia Gaugier dolls

HORKA DOLLS – Art dolls sculptures

HORKA DOLLS – Art dolls sculptures by Klaudia Gaugier (Pologne)

HORKA DOLLS - Art dolls sculptures

HORKA DOLLS – Art dolls sculptures

  • Rita Ona Danieliene – Sculptures Art dolls creation
  • Rita Ona Danieliene – Sculptures Art dolls creation
  • Rita Ona Danieliene – Sculptures Art dolls creation
  • Rita Ona Danieliene – Sculptures Art dolls creation
  • Rita Ona Danieliene – Sculptures Art dolls creation
  • Rita Ona Danieliene – Sculptures Art dolls creation
  • Rita Ona Danieliene – guardan angel – art dolls sculpture
  • Rita Ona Danieliene – Art dolls – portrait

Art Dolls sculptures ::: Rita Ona Danieliene

Art Dolls sculptures ::: Rita Ona Danieliene (Lituanie)

Rita Ona Danieliene - Sculptures Art dolls creation

Rita Ona Danieliene – Sculptures Art dolls creation

  • Richard Stipl – Heretic III, clay and shellac, – 2011 – sculptures
  • Richard Stipl – Heretic III, clay and shellac, – 2011 – sculptures
  • Richard Stipl – Heretic III, clay and shellac, – 2011 – sculptures
  • Richard Stipl – Giant Slayer – sculptures
  • Richard Stipl – Spider, 2011, Argile, cire, métal, vitrine, 200 x 50 x 50 cm, (Têtes 30 x 30 x 30 cm), Courtesy galerie dukan hourdequin, Paris
  • Richard Stipl – sculptures
  • Richard Stipl – sculptures
  • Richard Stipl – sculptures
  • Richard Stipl’s sculpture – Block Sabbath II – 2005
  • Richard Stipl – sculptures
  • Richard Stipl – sculptures
  • Richard Stipl Sculptures
  • Richard Stipl – sculptures
  • Richard Stipl – sculptures
  • Richard Stipl – sculptures
  • richard stipl – Envisions Hitler as a Bear Skin Rug
  • Richard Stipl – Artwork adolf hitler modern art bear skin – sculptures
  • Richard Stipl – sculptures
  • Richard Stipl – sculptures  – Foto ©Dalibor Konopac
  • Richard Stipl – sculptures – Foto ©Dalibor Konopac
  • Richard Stipl – sculptures – savant
  • Richard Stipl – sculptures  – heretic
  • Richard Stipl – Labyrinth of the World and Paradise of the Heart – 2002 – sculptures
  • Richard Stipl – Breathe You Fucker – sculptures
  • Richard Stipl – A Futile Attempt to Know Oneself Better
  • Artist Richard Stipl – sculptures
  • Richard Stipl Sculpture #RichardStipl #artist #sculpture #contemporaryart
  • Richard Stipl – portrait

Social satire Sculptures {Richard Stipl}

Social satire Sculptures {Richard Stipl}. Born in Czechoslovakia in 1968 and now lives and works both in Canada and the Czech Republic.

richard stipl - Envisions Hitler as a Bear Skin Rug

richard stipl – Envisions Hitler as a Bear Skin Rug. Perhaps inspired by Israeli artist Boaz Arad’s 2007 work

Working initially as a painter, Richard Stipl has recently turned to making sculpture. Considered an exceptional talent in technical terms, Richard stands apart from his contemporaries through his uncanny ability to breathe a vital and invigorating “life force” into his art works, regardless of media.

Richard Stipl travaille à moitié en Républic tcheque et au Canada. Proche de l’hyper -realisme , ses sculptures sont une satire sociale, dérangeantes, parfois glauques. Les 2 photos avec les sculptures blanches rappellent les fabuleuses sculptures de Xooang Choi.

  • Textile sculptures de Simone Pheulpin – hiver
  • Textile sculptures de Simone Pheulpin – croissance
  • Textile sculptures de Simone Pheulpin – anfractuosit
  • Textile sculptures de Simone Pheulpin – closion
  • Simone Pheulpin, Textile art, portrait

Textile sculptures de Simone Pheulpin

Textile sculptures de Simone Pheulpin.

Textile sculptures de Simone Pheulpin - closion

Textile sculptures de Simone Pheulpin – closion

Née en 1941, Simone Pheulpin est une sculptrice sur textile (france).

Son travail réside dans le pliage minutieux et répétitif de bandes de coton non blanchi, non décati, rêche, des Vosges. Son façonnage est permis par des attaches non visibles, épingles qu’elle dissimule au cœur de l’œuvre. Il en découle un univers qui apparaît tantôt minéral, tantôt végétal, reflet du monde naturel.

  • sandrine brillaud – sculptures figuratives portrait
  • sandrine brillaud – sculptures figuratives emotionnelles
  • sandrine brillaud – sculptures figuratives
  • sandrine brillaud – sculptures figuratives
  • sandrine brillaud – sculptures figuratives
  • sandrine brillaud – sculptures figuratives
  • sandrine brillaud – sculptures figuratives
  • sandrine brillaud – sculptures figuratives groupes
  • sandrine brillaud – sculptures figuratives – personnages
  • sandrine brillaud – sculptures figuratives
  • Sandrine Brillaud – sculptures figuratives – caddie
  • Sandrine Brillaud – La famille des Roses – sculptures figuratives
  • sandrine brillaud – expo  Nantes – sculptures figuratives

Sculptures émotionnelles de Sandrine Brillaud

Sculptures émotionnelles de Sandrine Brillaud. (Nantes, France)

Sculpteur et peintre, Sandrine Brillaud a reçu plusieurs médailles pour son œuvre dont elle dit :
« qu’elles montrent une beauté sans élégance…La chair rose mise à nu, fragilisée, d’êtres humains moins égarés que dévorés par l’incertitude et la peur… »

« Sandrine Brillaud montre une remarquable maîtrise de la matière. 
Ses personnages jaillissent d’une parfaite observation de la société qui l’entoure, de sa bonne connaissance des humains et d’elle-même. Préoccupées, torturées, joyeuses ou sensuelles ses sculptures reflètent tour à tour des situations banales ou parfois complexes, d’une émouvante vérité, dans lesquelles on craint se reconnaître.
On sent que son témoignage est d’amour et les sentiments profondément organiques. Et si la puissance émotionnelle est souvent galvaudée dans le domaine artistique, on la trouve à l’état brut et épidermique chez elle. « 



  • Xooang Choi Solo Show – Musee d’Ansembourg- Liege Belgium – 24 janvier au 14 février 2014
  • Xooang Choi Solo Show – Musee d’Ansembourg- Liege Belgium – 24 janvier au 14 février 2014
  • Xooang Choi Solo Show – Musee d’Ansembourg- Liege Belgium – 24 janvier au 14 février 2014
  • Xooang Choi Solo Show – Musee d’Ansembourg- Liege Belgium – 24 janvier au 14 février 2014
  • Xooang Choi Solo Show – Musee d’Ansembourg- Liege Belgium – 24 janvier au 14 février 2014
  • Xooang Choi Solo Show – Musee d’Ansembourg- Liege Belgium – 24 janvier au 14 février 2014
  • Xooang Choi Solo Show – Musee d’Ansembourg- Liege Belgium – 24 janvier au 14 février 2014
  • Xooang Choi Solo Show – Musee d’Ansembourg- Liege Belgium – 24 janvier au 14 février 2014
  • Xooang Choi Solo Show – Musee d’Ansembourg- Liege Belgium – 24 janvier au 14 février 2014
  • Xooang Choi Solo Show – Musee d’Ansembourg- Liege Belgium – 24 janvier au 14 février 2014
  • Xooang Choi Solo Show – Musee d’Ansembourg- Liege Belgium – 24 janvier au 14 février 2014
  • Xooang Choi Solo Show – Musee d’Ansembourg- Liege Belgium – 24 janvier au 14 février 2014
  • Xooang Choi Solo Show – Musee d’Ansembourg- Liege Belgium – 24 janvier au 14 février 2014
  • Xooang Choi Solo Show – Musee d’Ansembourg- Liege Belgium – 24 janvier au 14 février 2014
  • Xooang Choi Solo Show – Musee d’Ansembourg – Liege Belgium – 24 janvier au 14 février 2014
  • Xooang Choi Solo Show – The blind for the blind – expo belgique
  • Xooang Choi – modeling (2015)
  • Xooang Choi – modeling (2015)
  • Xooang Choi – dreamers sculpture 2015
  • Xooang Choi – sculpture

Xooang Choi Solo Show @ Musee d’Ansembourg – Liege Belgium

Xooang Choi Solo Show @ Musee d’Ansembourg – Liege Belgium
du 24/01 au 14 fev.  + d’infos

Xooang Choi Solo Show - Musee d'Ansembourg- Liege Belgium - 24 janvier au 14 février 2014

Xooang Choi Solo Show – Musee d’Ansembourg- Liege Belgium – 24 janvier au 14 février 2014

  • Anderson Lewis – detail – sculptures
  • Anderson Lewis – I Wish This House Smelt Like A Home – sculptures
  • Anderson Lewis – What If, I Know – sculptures
  • Anderson Lewis – I Want To, Not Now – sculptures
  • Anderson Lewis – Can I, Just Do It – Ceramic, Glazes – sculptures
  • Anderson Lewis – open night – sculptures
  • Anderson Lewis – sculptures
  • Anderson Lewis – sculptures

Figurative Sculptures of Anderson Lewis

Figurative Sculptures of Anderson Lewis. (Etats-Unis)

Anderson Lewis - sculptures

Anderson Lewis – sculptures


  • Matthias Verginer – burn out / wood sculptures
  • Matthias Verginer – the captain / wood sculptures
  • Matthias Verginer – My favorite Pet / wood sculptures
  • Matthias Verginer – Tomato tan / wood sculptures – Ironic
  • Matthias Verginer – free as a bird / wood sculptures
  • Matthias Verginer – corypantha / wood sculptures

Wood figuratif sculptures of Matthias Verginer

Wood figuratif sculptures of Matthias Verginer. Lives and works in Ortisei (BZ), Northern Italy.

  • Carisa Swenson – enchanted world sculptures
  • Carisa Swenson – MMarcel / sculpture mixed media
  • Carisa Swenson – The Mouse King – detail
  • Carisa Swenson – Simon / sculpture mixed media
  • Carisa Swenson – enchanted world sculptures
  • Carisa Swenson – Sneak Peek / sculpture mixed media
  • Carisa Swenson – enchanted world sculptures
  • Carisa Swenson – Claude’s Chameleon Carnival
  • Carisa Swenson sculptures
  • Carisa Swenson sculptures
  • Carisa Swenson sculptures – Keevan & Kieran
  • Carisa Swenson sculptures – Goblinfruit Studio
  • Carisa Swenson and her cool rabbit dolls / portrait

Enchanted world sculptures by Carisa Swenson

Enchanted world sculptures by Carisa Swenson, Goblinfruit Studio (New York)

Carisa Swenson - The Mouse King - detail

Carisa Swenson – The Mouse King – detail

Carisa Swenson’s passion for creating curious creatures springs from many sources—a love of Greek mythology and Ray Harryhausen’s creations when she was a child, an appreciative eye for Henson Workshop in her teens, to the weird and wonderful films of Jan Svankmajer and The Brothers Quay in her twenties. But when Carisa studied with world-renowned doll artist Wendy Froud, the final die was cast: posable dolls would forever own her soul and trouble her nights, stirring her with a fervor that could only be quelled by stitching and sculpting her dreams into reality. Since 2006 Carisa’s work has been featured in several exhibitions and publications, including the Melbourne Fringe Festival, NYU’s acclaimed annual « Small Works Show », Art Doll Quarterly, and Spectrum 17. Carisa has an unhealthy obsession with rabbits and rabbit tales which she blames squarely on « Watership Down ». Both the book and the movie. Especially the movie.

  • Setsuko Morita – Sculptor Japan
  • Setsuko Morita – Sculptor Japan
  • Setsuko Morita – Sculptor Japan
  • Setsuko Morita – Sculptor Japan
  • Setsuko Morita – Sculptor Japan
  • Setsuko Morita – Sculptor Japan
  • Work of Kanami Ogata and Setsuko Morita / Japan

Magic world of metal of Setsuko Morita

Magic world of metal of Setsuko Morita, sculptor Japan.


  • Javier Marín – Sculptures monumentales
  • Javier Marín – Sculptures monumentales
  • Javier Marín – sculpture Hombre Reclinado
  • Javier Marín – sculptures – Penitente
  • Javier Marín – sculptures
  • Javier Marín – sculptures
  • Javier Marín – Sculptures monumentales
  • Javier Marín – Sculptures monumentales
  • Javier Marín – Sculptures monumentales
  • Javier Marín – sculptures coprus terra
  • Javier Marín – sculptures coprus terra
  • Javier Marín – Sculptures monumentales mexique
  • Javier Marín – Sculptures luxembourg / Sculptures monumentales
  • Javier Marín – Sculptures bustes / Sculptures monumentales
  • Javier Marín – Sculptor
  • Javier Marín – Sculptures portrait
  • Javier Marín Sculpture

Sculptures monumentales de Javier Marín

Sculptures monumentales de Javier Marín. (born in Uruapan, Michoacan, Mexico in 1962)

Javier Marin’s sculpture a unique and dynamic blend of Western European and Mexican culture. Working quickly, primarily in clay, Marín does not refer to a model but instead relies on his remarkable knowledge of the human form gathered from years of drawing directly from the figure. Process is one of the artist’s most obvious passions, spikes of bronze are often left exposed to show the paths of molten metal flowing into the cast figure. During the creation of a work, words might be quickly inscribed onto the raw clay, holes gouged and support structures left exposed. It is this deliberate coarseness combined with his elegant classic approach to the figure that combines to give these works such power and substance.
(source txt : evokecontemporary)

Javier Marín - sculptures

Javier Marín – sculptures

Si il veut me prendre en stage, pas de problème…

  • Valency Genis – strange sculptures / Bestiaire, trophée de chasse original / creatures
  • Valency Genis – Bestiaire sculptures – creature
  • Valency Genis – Sweet Westley / Bestiaire, trophée de chasse original / creatures
  • Valency Genis – Rolfe – Epoxy clay, glass, wood, and acrylic
  • Valency Genis – Brackley / Bestiaire, trophée de chasse original / creatures
  • Bestiaire et Trophee Valency Genis
  • Valency Genis – Bestiaire, trophée de chasse original / creatures
  • Valency Genis – Bestiaire : sculpture lapin, bunny
  • Valency Genis – Trophy sculptures

Bestiaire et Trophée originale de Valency Genis

Bestiaire et Trophée originale de Valency Genis. (Albuquerque)

Valency Genis - Brackley / Bestiaire, trophée de chasse original / creatures

Valency Genis – Brackley / Bestiaire, trophée de chasse original / creatures

Mixed media artist, sculptor and photographer. Original Creature creator, animal lover, mad scientist…

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