Tous les articles tagués rabbit

3 Articles
  • Carisa Swenson – enchanted world sculptures
  • Carisa Swenson – MMarcel / sculpture mixed media
  • Carisa Swenson – The Mouse King – detail
  • Carisa Swenson – Simon / sculpture mixed media
  • Carisa Swenson – enchanted world sculptures
  • Carisa Swenson – Sneak Peek / sculpture mixed media
  • Carisa Swenson – enchanted world sculptures
  • Carisa Swenson – Claude’s Chameleon Carnival
  • Carisa Swenson sculptures
  • Carisa Swenson sculptures
  • Carisa Swenson sculptures – Keevan & Kieran
  • Carisa Swenson sculptures – Goblinfruit Studio
  • Carisa Swenson and her cool rabbit dolls / portrait

Enchanted world sculptures by Carisa Swenson

Enchanted world sculptures by Carisa Swenson, Goblinfruit Studio (New York)

Carisa Swenson - The Mouse King - detail

Carisa Swenson – The Mouse King – detail

Carisa Swenson’s passion for creating curious creatures springs from many sources—a love of Greek mythology and Ray Harryhausen’s creations when she was a child, an appreciative eye for Henson Workshop in her teens, to the weird and wonderful films of Jan Svankmajer and The Brothers Quay in her twenties. But when Carisa studied with world-renowned doll artist Wendy Froud, the final die was cast: posable dolls would forever own her soul and trouble her nights, stirring her with a fervor that could only be quelled by stitching and sculpting her dreams into reality. Since 2006 Carisa’s work has been featured in several exhibitions and publications, including the Melbourne Fringe Festival, NYU’s acclaimed annual « Small Works Show », Art Doll Quarterly, and Spectrum 17. Carisa has an unhealthy obsession with rabbits and rabbit tales which she blames squarely on « Watership Down ». Both the book and the movie. Especially the movie.

  • Natasha Cousens – Doe Ray Me – Floral animal sculpture
  • Natasha Cousens – Doe Ray Me – Floral animal sculpture
  • Natasha Cousens – Doe Ray Me – Floral animal sculpture
  • Natasha Cousens – Sculpture in progress
  • Natasha Cousens – Life’s breath entwined  – Floral animal sculpture
  • Natasha Cousens – Life’s breath entwined  – Floral animal sculpture
  • Natasha Cousens – Sculptures – The beauty
  • Natasha Cousens – Sculptures – The beauty
  • Natasha Cousens – Sculptures COCOON
  • Natasha Cousens – Sculptures COCOON
  • Natasha Cousens – Sculptures COCOON
  • Natasha Cousens – Life’s breath entwined  – Floral animal sculpture
  • Natasha Cousens – Life’s breath entwined – in progress
  • Natasha Cousens – Life’s breath entwined  – Floral animal sculpture
  • Natasha Cousens – rabbit
  • Natasha Cousens – Sculpture in progress
  • Natasha Cousens – Genjitsu no genso – rabbit /  – Floral animal sculpture

Beautiful Floral animal sculptures by Natasha Cousens

Beautiful Floral animal sculptures by Natasha Cousens, Artist & Sculptor. Live in UK, moving soon  to New Zealand.

Natasha Cousens - Sculptures COCOON

Natasha Cousens – Sculptures COCOON

Also, visit in the same way sculptures of BETH CAVENER STICHTER

  • kelly connole sculptures
  • kelly connole – ceramic sculpture
  • kelly connole – Violet – ceramic sculpture
  • kelly connole-Lucia  – ceramic sculpture
  • kelly connole – sculpture
  • kelly connole-Neda- ceramic sculpture
  • kelly connole -t wins-NCECA-Flow
  • kelly connole-Hilda – ceramic sculpture
  • kelly connole-Frances and Franca – ceramic sculpture
  • kelly connole-Scamper Installation – ceramic sculpture

Creatures by Kelly Connole

Creatures by Kelly Connole, beaucoup d’êtres hybrides aux formes de lapins… Elle vit et travaille aux Etats-Unis.

« Quand j’étais une petite fille, dans le Montana les animaux étaient mes compagnons. Plusieurs de mes lapins de compagnie se sont libérés de leurs cages et se multiplièrent . Une nuit de pleine lune, j’ai regardé par la fenêtre de ma chambre pour voir tout un troupeau de lapins dans l’espace entre notre maison et la grange . Le clair de lune brillait sur leur dos, illuminant leurs formes voluptueuses et leurs oreilles curieuses. Quand une volée d’oiseaux a survolé les lapins, leurs ombres fugaces sur leur dos m’a coupé le souffle .

C’est l’un de mes premiers souvenirs , j’avais cinq ou six ans à l’époque, et cela reste l’une des plus belles scènes que je n’ai jamais vu . A cet instant, j’ai vu l’endroit où le ciel et la terre se rencontrent et j’ai senti une partie d’un monde beaucoup plus grand que je ne pouvais alors ou maintenant, décrire avec des mots .

Grâce à cette série de créatures hybrides, j’espère capturer juste un peu de la magie que j’ai vécu cette nuit-là . Les pièces contiennent des fragments de beaucoup d’autres souvenirs et je cherche le lien avec le monde animal. »


« When I was a little girl living in rural Montana animals were my constant companions. Several of my pet rabbits broke free of their cages and multiplied. One night, on a full moon, I looked out of my bedroom window to see a whole herd of rabbits in the space between our house and the barn. The moonlight glistened on their backs, illuminating their voluptuous forms and curious ears. When a flock of birds flew over the rabbits, casting fleeting shadows on their backs, it took my breath away.

This is one of my earliest memories—I was five or six at the time—and it remains one of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen. At that moment I saw the place where the sky and the earth meet and I felt a part of a world much larger than I could then, or now, describe with words.

Through this series of hybrid creatures I hope to capture just a bit of the magic I experienced that night. The pieces contain layered fragments of many other memories as I seek a connection to the natural world and to others. »

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