#FRAALL pronostic allemand :) ^^
et anciennement, contre le brésil – Worldcup 2014 :
#FRAALL pronostic allemand :) ^^
et anciennement, contre le brésil – Worldcup 2014 :
Les pubs très creatives de Pelephone, opérateur en Israel.
La saga « Do you want to save the French Fry ?«
Un spot signé Marcel et Troublemakers.tv pour Tefal Canada, animation marrante et bien faite :
La faim est un monstre
La faim est un monstre est un clip très leché realisé par by Marcin Filipek, façon petit chaperon rouge afin de sensibiliser le jeune public au probleme de la faim, insidieuse et aussi féroce qu’un loup.
This work is directed by Marcin Filipek. A variation on Little Red Riding Hood, it represents hunger as a wolf-like creature « more terrifying than zombies, werewolves or vampires » because it’s real.
Elle Fanning has been acting since she was two, but rose to prominence in Sofia Coppola’s Somewhere, J. J. Abrams and Steven Spielberg’s Super 8, and this year’s Ginger and Rosa. Her spine-chilling narration intertwines with Filipek’s hauntingly beautiful world, leaving no ambiguity about the end-game of hunger.
The « Hunger Personified » series, produced by the Oscar-nominated Polish animation studio Platige Image and Visiontime is designed to stimulate debate, and to present hunger as an issue to younger audiences.
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et une ressource interessante pour aborder le code :
Welcome to the HTML Email Boilerplate. This website and its sample code creates a template of sorts, absent of design or layout, that will help you avoid some of the major rendering problems with the most common email clients out there — Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo Mail, etc. While not plug and play (you know, you’ll have to do some work ;-), it will provide some helpful examples and snippets that will keep your email design rendering as true-to-form as possible. http://htmlemailboilerplate.com