Yuichi Ikehata – Surreal sculptures & photography (Japan)
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80 ArticlesAqualis expedition / Alexander Semenov
Aqualis expedition / Alexander Semenov est un projet de 3 ans à travers les océans, à la découverte de fabuleuses créatures.
Alexander Semenov qui fait de magnifiques photographies sous-marine en est l’auteur et a besoin de votre aide afin de financer cette aventure…
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Aquatilis Expedition – an epic underwater journey through the world’s oceans, set to explore the world’s most extraordinary creatures (More photos and videos! And a lot of other stuff to amaze and entertain the whole world of curious people).
Even $5 will be helpful for us – we need to start repairing our vessel this summer and this campaign is the only chance. You can get cool full-sized photo of your choice and much more for bigger contribution. More is better We’re not asking for big money, but for us your support is really important.
Macabre sculptures Olivier de Sagazan
Macabre sculptures Olivier de Sagazan. Born 1959. (FR)
For more than 20 years, Olivier de Sagazan has developed a hybrid practice that integrates painting, photography, sculpture, and performance. In his existential performative series Transfiguration, which he began in 2001, de Sagazan builds layers of clay and paint onto his own face and body to transform, disfigure and take apart his own figure, revealing an animalistic human who is seeking to break away from the physical world. At once disquieting and deeply moving, this new body of work collapses the boundaries between the physical, intellectual, spiritual and animalistic senses. The artist states: “I am interested in seeing to what degree people think its normal, or even trite, to be alive.” Olivier de Sagazan has exhibited widely in France and Europe,Canada, Brésil Corée in art galleries, museums, and film festivals. With an almost cult following online, and rave reviews about his expressive and inimitable style, it is no wonder de Sagazan’s remarkable “body art” work is featured in the non-verbal film Samsara, the Sequel to Baraka, directed by Ron Fricke.
Fantastic malaysian photographer – Abe Less on 500px
Fantastic malaysian photographer – Abe Less on 500px

Beluga Blowing Bubbles by photographer Hiroya Minakuchi
Beluga Blowing Bubbles by photographer Hiroya Minakuchi .
A Beluga whale has become a sensation at an aquarium after learning how to blow halo-…shaped bubbles. The extraordinary sight was captured on camera by photographer Hiroya Minakuchi at the Shimane aquarium in Japan. He said: »This beluga started making bubble rings when she was seven. And a couple of years ago she developed her technique. Now she blows the water from her mouth to make a current, which is not visible for us underwater. She then blows air from her blow hole into the current and that makes a ring shape. »
Esthétisme absolu dans les photographies de Desiree Dolron
Esthétisme absolu dans les photographies de Desiree Dolron. Artiste Néerlandaise.
Desiree Dolron, l’une des figures les plus remarquables de la photographie néerlandaise contemporaine, aspire à une esthétique de l’absolu alliant mystère, violence et perfection.
Sa première série, Exaltation, Images of Religion and Death (1991-1999), consacrée aux rituels religieux, va de la transe à la mutilation. Avec ce travail, elle invente un style à la fois plasticien et documentaire. Gaze(1996-1998), une série de portraits réalisés sous l’eau, semble issue d’un univers mythologique à la frontière entre la vie et la mort. Xteriors (2001-2006) revisite la peinture flamande via l’outil numérique pour créer un monde distant et sacré, d’une tension extrême. Apportant un soin méticuleux à l’impression de ses œuvres, elle considère le livre comme leur aboutissement. (Source texte : Livre Desiree Dolron, ed. Xavier Barral)
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