Tous les articles tagués Hyper realistic sculpture – Zarko Baseski

1 Article
  • Zarko Baseski – Ordinary man – sculptures hyperrealiste
  • Zarko Baseski – sculptures Ordinary man – hyperrealiste
  • Zarko Baseski – sculptures hyperrealiste – Nuremberg exhibition
  • Zarko Baseski – Self Portrait – hyper realistic sculpture
  • Zarko Baseski – sculptures hyperrealiste – detail Ordinary man
  • Zarko Baseski – sculptures hyperrealiste – Ordinary man
  • Zarko Baseski – sculptures hyperrealiste detail
  • Zharko Basheski Sculpture – PHILIP II MACEDONIAN (polyester resin, fiberglass, silicone, hair)
  • Facing – Zharko Basheski – Sculpture (polyester, silicone, textile, and natural fiber)
  • Axphyxia – Zharko Basheski Sculpture (silicon, nylon, natural hair)
  • Zarko Baseski – sculptures hyperrealiste

Hyper realistic sculpture – Zarko Baseski

Hyper realistic sculpture – Zarko Baseski, Macedonian sculptor. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Fine Arts in Skopje in 1988 and acquired the M.A. degree at the same institution ( in 1998) and later became the school’s Sculpture Department professor in 2010.

Zharko Basheski Sculpture, Macedonian sculptor. Currently working in the field of hyperrealistic contemporary sculpture and self-portrait sculpture.


Zarko Baseski - sculptures hyperrealiste - Ordinary man

Zarko Baseski – sculptures hyperrealiste – Ordinary man

From 1984 and on, his work has been presented at several international exhibitions. He has been the recipient of numerous awards. Much of his work is in private collections in the country and in foreign countries.

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