Tous les articles tagués exploitation animale

3 Articles
  • revisited Romulus and Remus – Artist Liu Qiang – sculpture (China)
  • Romulus and Remus

Remus and Romulus revisited by artist Liu Qiang’s

Remus and Romulus revisited by artist Liu Qiang’s. (China)

revisited Romulus and Remus - Artist Liu Qiang - sculpture (China)

revisited Romulus and Remus – Artist Liu Qiang – sculpture (China)

Like a modern-day homage to the famous symbol of Rome, the statue of Remus and Romulus, artist Liu Qiang’s powerful sculpture entitled “29h59’59″ commands a powerful presence at China’s 798 Art District in Beijing. The exploitation of animals in modern agriculture and humanity’s perverse reliance on animals for food takes center stage in the riveting piece of art. We found the interpretation of a fellow Facebook fan, Joanna Lucas,  particularly interesting. She posted the photo with the following caption:

“This stunning sculpture by Liu Qiang is an accurate depiction of humanity’s use of, and utter dependence on other animals and, in particular, the savage and bizarre habit of consuming the breast milk from mothers of other species—milk that these mothers have produced for their own babies, babies that we forced them to become pregnant with only to kill shortly after birth so that we can take the bereft mother’s milk, milk that we drink as though we were the children that we murdered.”
(Source texte :



  • Tiina-Liisa Kaalamo – l’art à fourrure
  • Tiina-Liisa Kaalamo – sculptures de l’immonde
  • Tiina-Liisa Kaalamo – Karsus
  • Tiina-Liisa Kaalamo – exploitation animal fourrure

Quand l’Art devient grotesque, sans interet et immonde

Quand l’Art devient grotesque, sans interet et immonde.
When Art becomes grotesque, without interest and filthy. 

Tiina-Liisa Kaalamo - Karsus

Tiina-Liisa Kaalamo – Karsus

Les « oeuvres » de Tiina-Liisa Kaalamo (Finlande).
Technique mixte, entre autres, fourrure, crânes de rat et queues de… ? peu importe.. et le sens figuratif, l’interet, un message ? L’exploitation animale où encore la génétique à coup sûre ?

The Sirens Of The Lambs de BAnksy

 Banksy ou l’installation ludique que nous faisons au quotidien de la condition animale.

Banksy -Sirens of the lambs

Banksy -Sirens of the lambs

Un camion remplit de peluches pleurantes et hurlantes a tourné hier au sud de Brooklyn, interpellant des passants aux sourires mitigés voirs grinçants, quant aux enfants, – ils semblent se demander dans quel monde ils ont atterri ? Des peluches en cage qui hurlent ? finalement pas pire qu’un poisson pané dans une assiette, – sauf s’il gigotte. Vous suivez ?

Bravo Banksy !
« The Sirens Of The Lambs », marrant et aussi « triste » constat sur l’état de la condition animale.


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