La fantaisie dans les sculptures de Herman Muys paraît inépuisable, sa créativité vaste et illimitée. Il évolue constamment aux confins du rêve et de la réalité. Ses oeuvres des débuts respirent une ambiance hallucinante : des êtres mi-hommes, mi-bêtes nous épient, avec parfois une expression démoniaque. On dirait des figures mythologiques, telles que griffons et centaures, des apparitions surréalistes qui font penser à Jérôme bosch, Pieter Brueghel, Pieter Huys, Jan Mandijn ou David Teniers. Démons orgueilleux ou dieux arrogants, ils n’ont pas pour autant perdu le sens de l’humour. Avec tout ce qu’ils peuvent avoir de mystérieux, de menaçant, ils ont quelque chose d’indiciblement tendre. (tiré du Livre : Herman Muys & Monique Muylaert)
Tous les articles tagués creative
36 ArticlesPam Langdon – Old reconstruted Book in Floral Art
Pam Langdon – Old reconstruted Book in Floral Art. (Australie)
Superbe travail de Pam Langdon qui créé à partir de vieux bouquins de magnifiques oeuvres florales.
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Steampunk Fine Art by Steelhipdesign
Steampunk Fine Art by Steelhipdesign. Artist based in Australia.
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Lisa Renner, sculpture Art dolls
Lisa Renner, sculpture Art dolls. Mixed media artiste (Art dolls, books, polymer clay..). (Dallas)
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- More information about the All Dolls Are Art Conference or Lisa’s classes, please visit the conference website at
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Craww Art – Digital and painting illustrations
Craww Art – Digital and painting illustrations
« Craww likes ambiguity and his work explores his fascination with things that aren’t quite what they seem. Pretty things in dark places, nasty suprises masquerading in beauty, hidden stories and happy accidents, brought to life with a mix of elegance, balance and disciplined chaos.
His work is a story without an end – a stream of consciousness ramblethrough the woods, populated with skulls, crows and melancholic girlswith big hands. »
Magnifiques illustrations de l’Artist Iain Macarthur
Dentelles illustratives de l’Artist Iain Macarthur.
« Born in Swindon, England, I became a fanatic of art at the age of eight when I was first introduced to art through the medium of cartoon television shows and comic books. My first ever comic book was from the Batman series. Ever since then I’ve been obsessed with art, drawing odd fantasy drawings and Anime characters.
I am influenced by many artists and illustrators – all with differing styles and mediums – and have turned to their work for artistic stimulation over the years. Among them are Alphonse Mucha, Gustav Klimt, Lucian Freud, Jenny Saville, James Jean, David Choong Lee, Sergio Toppi and Ashley Wood. I’ve also gained much inspiration through cartoons art and lighting; people’s facial expressions, eyes and different forms of organic patterns and shapes.
In 2008, I graduated from Swindon College with a degree in HND Illustration and hope to progress to a B.A. in Illustration sometime in the future. I’ve done a few exhibitions such as the Swindon College exhibition for Illustration and Graphic Design students, D/AD New Blood Exhibition at Earl’s Court London, and a solo Internet exhibition on Phone Booth Gallery.
My work can be described as surreal and unique in its own way. Using mostly pencil, watercolours and pigment pens, I create portraits of ordinary people but create them in a unusual way by, embellishing patterns and watercolour effects into the portrait to give a vivid explosion effect—transforming their faces from something plain to something entirely bizarre and wonderful at the same time.
I specialize in shirt designs, print designs, posters, album art, logos, branding, editorial illustration and private commissions. »
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Mixed Media Art of Louise Richardson
Discover the poetic creations of Louise, magical and unreal dresses, romantic objects.
Mixed Media Art of Louise Richardson…
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Creatures by Kelly Connole
Creatures by Kelly Connole, beaucoup d’êtres hybrides aux formes de lapins… Elle vit et travaille aux Etats-Unis.
« Quand j’étais une petite fille, dans le Montana les animaux étaient mes compagnons. Plusieurs de mes lapins de compagnie se sont libérés de leurs cages et se multiplièrent . Une nuit de pleine lune, j’ai regardé par la fenêtre de ma chambre pour voir tout un troupeau de lapins dans l’espace entre notre maison et la grange . Le clair de lune brillait sur leur dos, illuminant leurs formes voluptueuses et leurs oreilles curieuses. Quand une volée d’oiseaux a survolé les lapins, leurs ombres fugaces sur leur dos m’a coupé le souffle .
C’est l’un de mes premiers souvenirs , j’avais cinq ou six ans à l’époque, et cela reste l’une des plus belles scènes que je n’ai jamais vu . A cet instant, j’ai vu l’endroit où le ciel et la terre se rencontrent et j’ai senti une partie d’un monde beaucoup plus grand que je ne pouvais alors ou maintenant, décrire avec des mots .
Grâce à cette série de créatures hybrides, j’espère capturer juste un peu de la magie que j’ai vécu cette nuit-là . Les pièces contiennent des fragments de beaucoup d’autres souvenirs et je cherche le lien avec le monde animal. »
« When I was a little girl living in rural Montana animals were my constant companions. Several of my pet rabbits broke free of their cages and multiplied. One night, on a full moon, I looked out of my bedroom window to see a whole herd of rabbits in the space between our house and the barn. The moonlight glistened on their backs, illuminating their voluptuous forms and curious ears. When a flock of birds flew over the rabbits, casting fleeting shadows on their backs, it took my breath away.
This is one of my earliest memories—I was five or six at the time—and it remains one of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen. At that moment I saw the place where the sky and the earth meet and I felt a part of a world much larger than I could then, or now, describe with words.
Through this series of hybrid creatures I hope to capture just a bit of the magic I experienced that night. The pieces contain layered fragments of many other memories as I seek a connection to the natural world and to others. »
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Art Dolls de Curiosites Bohemes
Art Dolls de Curiosites Bohemes [Canada]
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Design wine bootles by Provoco – Slovaquie
Design wine bootles by Provoco on Behance – Slovaquie

Design for wine bootles by Provoco – Slovaquie
Digital Artworks 3D by Nicolas Boyer
Digital Artworks 3D by Nicolas Boyer.
- découvrez ses magnifiques créations sur son site.