Lola Dupré – Paper collage (Spain)
Lola Dupré is a collage artist and illustrator currently based in Salamanca, Spain. Working exclusively with paper and scissors her work references both the Dada aesthetic of the early 20th Century and the digital manipulations of the present day.
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7 ArticlesLola Dupré – Paper collage
Géraldine Georges Illustrations
Géraldine Georges Illustrations, Illustrator from Belgium, Bruxelles.
After graduating from the Academy of Fine Arts in Brussels Géraldine worked as a graphic designer in various advertising agencies for 7 years. Towards the end of 2006, She started to work as a freelance illustrator. She did not felt like she was leaving behind the graphic design world but rather she was able to see & bring some graphic design elements into her illustrations. The two are inevitably linked for her. Her approach is pretty simple, she tries her best to transcribe emotions, find a perfect balance through the collages without falling into the trap of over-using Photoshop or other effects…

Paper ART sculpture – Smaug – Dragon du Seigneur des Anneaux
Incroyable Paper ART sculpture – Smaug – Dragon du Seigneur des Anneaux / Lord of the Rings – Tolkien,
créé par VMCreations aka FarTooManyIdeas on DeviantarT. [Danish american)
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- FarTooManyIdeas on Deviantart
Technique mixte – Jessica Rimondi
Technique mixte – Jessica Rimondi est née à Turin en 1987, a étudié à l’Academie Albertina di Belle Arti de Turin et vit / travaille à Berlin.
L’engagement visuelle est la force motrice de son travail, par la recherche de moyens d’expressions différents pour créer les visuels forts les plus appropriés. La forme, le geste, le matériel et le concept – c’est ainsi que son processus de création se développe dans des œuvres figuratives qui se caractérisent par la médiation cohérente des différents moyens d’expression : techniquement et stylistiquement.
Technique mixte – Jessica Rimondi born in Turin 1987, studied at the Accaemia Albertina di Belle Arti of Turin and now lives and works in Berlin. Curiosity for visual engagement is the driving force in her work, by researching different means of expression to find the most appropriate visuals according to needs and inclination. Form, gesture, material and concept – this is how her creative process develops into works that are characterised by the consistent mediation of different means of expression: technically and stylistically. Throughout the last year, particular emphasis has been given to the element of gesture. As she progressively developes a technique of “strata”, which allows her to create compositional narrative within the representational element, the performative factor of gesture progressively becomes the media and the poetic meaning through which her aesthetic develops. (source and interview :
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