Tous les articles tagués artistique

338 Articles
  • Yosuke Kashiwakura- photography
  • Yosuke Kashiwakura – because it is there- photography
  • Yosuke Kashiwakura- photography
  • Yosuke Kashiwakura – human photo
  • Nid de corbeaux Tokyo – © Yosuke Kashiwakura – photography
  • Yosuke Kashiwakura – photography flamands
  • Yosuke Kashiwakura- photography

Wildlife photography by Yosuke Kashiwakura

Wildlife photography by Yosuke Kashiwakura / Japan Professional / Wildlife.

Les corbeaux qui vivent à Tokyo utilisent des cintres pour faire leurs nids. Dans cette grande ville, il y a peu d’arbres, de sorte que les matériaux naturels dont les corbeaux ont besoin pour faire leurs nids sont rares. En conséquence, les corbeaux prennent parfois les cintres des gens qui vivent dans des appartements à proximité, et les assemblent soigneusement en nids. De véritables œuvres d’art sur le thème du recyclage.


The crows that live in Tokyo use clothes hangers to make nests. In such a large city, there are few trees, so the natural materials that crows need to make their nests are scarce. As a result, the crows occasionally take hangers from the people who live in apartments nearby, and carefully assemble them into nests. The completed nests almost look like works of art based on the theme of recycling.

Nid de corbeaux Tokyo - © Yosuke Kashiwakura - photography

Nid de corbeaux Tokyo – © Yosuke Kashiwakura – photography

Yosuke Kashiwakura (né en 1978, il vit actuellement à Kanagawa). Il a enseigné la photographie en 2004 et en 2007, a remporté un prix de photographie de nature mondiale. Son travail continue d’être exposé au Musée national Smithsonian d’histoire naturelle. Il a obtenu la deuxième place dans les autres, spéciaux et la troisième place dans la nature sous-marine des catégories International Photography Awards. Ses photographies représentent des paysages naturels, la coexistence entre l’homme et la nature, et les problèmes environnementaux. Il est actif dans une grande variété de supports, y compris les magazines, publications diverses, et des publicités.


Yosuke Kashiwakura (born in 1978, currently living in Kanagawa) began teaching himself photography in 2004, and in 2007 won a Global Nature Photography award. His work went on to be displayed in the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. He was awarded second place in the SPECIAL OTHERS and third place in the NATURE UNDERWATER categories of the International Photography Awards. His photographs depict natural scenery, the coexistence between human and nature, and environmental problems. He is active in a wide variety of media, including magazines, various publications, and advertisements.

  • Christoffer Relander – we are nature
  • Christoffer Relander – we are nature
  • Christoffer Relander – we are nature
  • Christoffer Relander – we are nature, digital art photography
  • Christoffer Relander – we are nature, digital art photography

We Are Nature

We Are Nature, digital art of  Christoffer Relander,
Digital photography.

Christoffer Relander - we are nature, digital art photography

Christoffer Relander – we are nature, digital art photography

  • fruit-skull-Funky tête de fruit de l’artiste Dimitri Tsykalov
  • fruit-skull -Dimitri Tsykalov
  • fruit-skull -Dimitri Tsykalov2
  • fruit-skull sculptures -Dimitri Tsykalov

Funky tête de fruit de l’artiste Dimitri Tsykalov

Funky tête de fruit de l’artiste Dimitri Tsykalov (Russie). Têtes de mort avec des légumes et fruits.

fruit-skull -Dimitri Tsykalov

fruit-skull -Dimitri Tsykalov


Paris-based Russian artist Dimitri Tsykalov makes cool stuff, like these skulls made out of fruit and vegetables that he worked on from 2005-2008. Tsykalov’s intriguing and provocative works of art that are often based on food. The food sculptures he creates are photographed on plain backgrounds.


  • Monica Raduta – Beautiful digital photography
  • Monica Raduta -digital photography
  • Monica Raduta-beautiful digital photography

Beautiful digital photography by Monica Raduta

Beautiful digital photography by Monica Raduta. Artist – Bucharest, Romania

Monica Raduta-beautiful digital photography

Monica Raduta-beautiful digital photography

  • Eric Lacombe – mixed media painting
  • Eric Lacombe – mixed media painting
  • Eric Lacombe – mixed media paintings
  • P124 – Eric Lacombe – Peintures
  • Eric Lacombe  – Sans titre 130 – 80 x 100 cm | Digital painting
  • Eric Lacombe – mixed media paintings
  • Eric Lacombe – wip painting
  • Eric Lacombe PC031 : 50 x 65 cm : Octobre 2013
  • Eric Lacombe – AN018 : 50 x 65 cm : acrylic and pen on paper / 2014
  • Eric Lacombe – portrait
  • Eric lacombe – peinture corbeau macabre

anormalité selon Eric Lacombe

Anormalité selon Eric Lacombe, Au regard des profondeurs de l’âme. Né en 1968, vit à Lyon.
Artiste peintre et digital painting.

Eric Lacombe - AN018 : 50 x 65 cm : acrylic and pen on paper / 2014

Eric Lacombe – AN018 : 50 x 65 cm : acrylic and pen on paper / 2014

Novembre/Décembre 2013 – LE 59 RIVOLI – Paris (France)
« La Cave » – exposition collective avec H.R Giger, john santerineross, Karl Persson. Nihil, …

  • antony-micallef-lazarides-gallery-black-portrait dead
  • Antony Micallef
  • Antony Micallef – head
  • antony-micallef
  • painting on canvas by Antony Micallef
  • antony-micallef-portrait

Antony Micallef : schizo séduction pop art

Artiste anglais, vivant à Londres. Antony Micallef : schizo séduction pop art

  • Craww Art illustration – wow
  • Craww Art illustration – face
  • Craww Art illustration
  • Craww Art illustration3
  • Craww Art illustration – corbeau
  • Craww Art illustration – exhibition
  • Craww Art illustration – portrait

Craww Art – Digital and painting illustrations

Craww Art – Digital and painting illustrations

Craww Art illustration - corbeau

Craww Art illustration – corbeau

« Craww likes ambiguity and his work explores his fascination with things that aren’t quite what they seem. Pretty things in dark places, nasty suprises masquerading in beauty, hidden stories and happy accidents, brought to life with a mix of elegance, balance and disciplined chaos.

His work is a story without an end – a stream of consciousness ramblethrough the woods, populated with skulls, crows and melancholic girlswith big hands. »

  • Artist Iain Macarthur illustrations – chouette
  • Artist Iain Macarthur wolf
  • Artist Iain Macarthur
  • Artist Iain Macarthur portrait

Magnifiques illustrations de l’Artist Iain Macarthur

Dentelles illustratives de l’Artist Iain Macarthur.

« Born in Swindon, England, I became a fanatic of art at the age of eight when I was first introduced to art through the medium of cartoon television shows and comic books. My first ever comic book was from the Batman series. Ever since then I’ve been obsessed with art, drawing odd fantasy drawings and Anime characters.

I am influenced by many artists and illustrators – all with differing styles and mediums – and have turned to their work for artistic stimulation over the years. Among them are Alphonse Mucha, Gustav Klimt, Lucian Freud, Jenny Saville, James Jean, David Choong Lee, Sergio Toppi and Ashley Wood. I’ve also gained much inspiration through cartoons art and lighting; people’s facial expressions, eyes and different forms of organic patterns and shapes.

In 2008, I graduated from Swindon College with a degree in HND Illustration and hope to progress to a B.A. in Illustration sometime in the future. I’ve done a few exhibitions such as the Swindon College exhibition for Illustration and Graphic Design students, D/AD New Blood Exhibition at Earl’s Court London, and a solo Internet exhibition on Phone Booth Gallery.

My work can be described as surreal and unique in its own way. Using mostly pencil, watercolours and pigment pens, I create portraits of ordinary people but create them in a unusual way by, embellishing patterns and watercolour effects into the portrait to give a vivid explosion effect—transforming their faces from something plain to something entirely bizarre and wonderful at the same time.

I specialize in shirt designs, print designs, posters, album art, logos, branding, editorial illustration and private commissions. »

  • Sculpture by Byeong Doo Moon – – I have been dreaming to be a tree…II
  • Sculpture by Byeong Doo Moon
  • Sculpture by Byeong Doo Moon – I have been dreaming to be a tree…II

By the sea – Sculpture by Byeong Doo Moon

Sculpture by Byeong Doo Moon  South Korean artist.
I have been dreaming to be a tree…II


  • Artist Yuken Teruya toilet paper cut / Japon
  • yuken teruya
  • Yuken Teruya giving tree project
  • yuken portrait

Yuken Teruya – Toilet Paper cut

Yuken Teruya  – Toilet Paper cut, is an artist based in New York. Born in 1973, in Okinawa, Japan.
He works with various materials such as toilet paper rolls, paper shopping bags and butterfly chrysalises.
His ideas often reflect life and history of Okinawa, his homeland.

  • Taxidermy Sculptures by Kohei Nawa
  • Taxidermy Sculptures by Kohei Nawa
  • Taxidermy Sculptures by Kohei Nawa -Cerf
  • Kohei-Nawa-Contemporary-Sculptures-ILoboyou
  • Sculptures by Kohei Nawa

Crystal Beads Taxidermy by Kohei Nawa

Crystal Beads Taxidermy by Kohei Nawa.
Japanese sculptor and assistant professor at Kyoto University of Art and Design, Kohei Nawa is known for his pixcell series, where countless transparent glass beads encase the artwork objects.
« Most of the motifs, like stuffed animals are found through the internet. I search some auction sites and choose from the images which appear on a monitor as pixel. However, the stuffed animals which actually have been purchased and sent have real flesh feel and smell, and have a discrepancy with images on the monitor. I then transpose them to PixCell in turn. » 

  • Benjamin Carbonne
  • Benjamin Carbonne – peintures acryliques
  • Benjamin Carbonne – peintures
  • oeuvres Benjamin Carbonne – peintures

Corps & Ame de Benjamin Carbonne

Corps & Ame de Benjamin Carbonne,  Artiste peintre, performer

Parti de l’étude purement plastique de l’Homme, Benjamin Carbonne peint l’histoire de ses personnages. Chacune de ses peintures porte en elle un héritage qu’il s’attache à révéler dans les visages, les corps, la chair. Ne rendant compte avec précision que d’un détail -un bras, un buste, un regard- qui porterait en lui les traces de ce qui l’a construit.
Ses récentes recherches sur la relation entre peinture et photographie l’ont mené vers l’étude du mouvement et sa dissociation. Prendre le corps dans l’instant de sa course et, par une seule représentation, voir la progression dans son ensemble. Chaque position marque un état de transition. Déposé sur la surface de la toile, mobile, en marche, le corps s’élance librement sur l’axe du temps et de l’espace. Par sa démarche, Benjamin Carbonne nous montre ce présent que l’on ne peut pas voir, il choisit des gestes, des instantanés qui suggèrent le mouvement de toute une vie.

  • mask – shark grin by torvenius
  • sculpture mask – torvenius
  • sculpture mask – torvenius
  • sculpture mask – torvenius
  • sculpture mask – torvenius
  • new_mask blindfold ii by torvenius
  • new mask – half skull by torvenius
  • new mask – cut through by torvenius
  • mask shell_eyes by_torvenius
  • stitched stillborn by torvenius

Sculptures mask by Torvenius

Sculptures mask by Torvenius on >> Deviantart.
ça fait peur.

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