Beautiful and Grotesque Art-Dolls of Nita Collins (Etats-Unis)
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Beautiful and Grotesque Art-Dolls of Nita Collins (Etats-Unis)
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Abstract textural art by Anne Mudge, née en Pennsylvanie, vit et travaille actuellement dans Elfin Forest, Californie.
Ses créations filandreuses sont fluides, poétique et élégantes, pleine de tensions et de forces, accrochent le regard par leur équilibre et leur complexité.
Anne Mudge Artist Interview
Surrealistic Fine Art by Piia Lehti uses mainly different intaglio printing techniques. Her motifs come from a world where the reality overlaps with dreams. People have often changed roles with animals, and their surrealistic environment is full of surprises. The cosiness of Lehtis prints originates from the slightly shabby lines and landscapes, which are comfortably worn out. The pictures reflect the life experienced and lived in different corners of the world. (Finlande)
Surrealistic Fine Art by Piia Lehti, elle utilise principalement des techniques d’impressions mixtes. Son univers revele un monde où la réalité se superpose aux rêves. Les gens se changent en animaux de maniere symboliques et surréalistes, d’une grande finesse où le lien avec la nature est omniprésente. J’aime vraiment l’ambiance et le traitement de ses créations.
Yumi Okita – Textile Creatures (Caroline du Nord, États-Unis).
Dans la lignée de Mister Finch ou Caroline Lingwood.
Hyper realiste trophée sculptures – Ruth Collett was born in Knutsford, Cheshire and moved to London to study at Wimbledon School of Art where she received a BA (Hons) in Technical Arts. She now lives in Hampshire where she can usually be found in her second home – the shed! It is here that she creates her fabulous sculptures and between projects also inserts hair for the world-famous Madam Tussauds.
Ruth is very much inspired by great artists such as Ron Mueck and Franz Messserschmidt and this led her to creating her humorous character heads where expression has an important role. She is very much looking forward to extending this unusual family tree !
Steampunk sculptures by Jessica Joslin / « Millennial Gepetto Jessica Joslin spends most of her days at a Victorian watchmaker’s desk, building a menagerie out of brass and bone. She is an unabashed science nerd, antique hardware fetishist and power tool connoisseur. Known associates with the same last name include: husband Jared Joslin, a brilliant painter of dames and dreams and brother in law Russell Joslin, an incisive photographer of personae and the editor of Shots Magazine. »
Magnifique travail du papier / Art Paper & Wire Sculpture by Polyscene (england)
Steampunk Fine Art by Steelhipdesign. Artist based in Australia.
Marina Bychkova is a Russian-Canadian figurative artist and a founder of Enchanted Doll™- a luxury toy label of exquisite, porcelain dolls.
Marina sculpts, molds, fires, paints, strings, sews, beads, jewels, everything. et c’est beau !
Tibor Nagy – Fine art : was born and raised in a small town called Rimavská Sobota in Slovakia which lies in the heart of Europe. He grew up in a family of musicians. Since a very young age, Tibor found himself deeply connected with nature and graphic expression in many forms felt very natural to him. Experience gained in nature and experience in artistic field constantly complemented each other. This created a strong basis which influenced his entire artistic development as well as remaining an endless source of inspiration for him as a self-taught artist.
Tibor Nagy – Fine art : est né et a grandi dans une petite ville appelée « Rimavská Sobota » en Slovaquie. Il a grandi dans une famille de musiciens. Depuis son plus jeune âge, Tibor se trouva profondément connecté avec la nature et l’expression graphique. Son expérience de la nature et le domaine artistique se complete, et restent une source inépuisable d’inspiration.
Katharine Morling Fine Ceramics. (England)
« My work has been a personal narrative, which alludes to tales, dreams and nightmares. I bring my drawings alive in 3D. My work is often life-size or larger; a chair will stand a metre tall. The work has been of a domestic nature, taking inanimate objects such as chairs and layering them with emotion. As I build up piece by piece, I have created rooms with atmosphere where unexpected feelings arise from apparently mundane objects.
I work very instinctively, one piece leads to the next, I try not to pin down what I am doing or even why. I have to trust and believe that I can communicate through this medium.
My searching is never complete; each piece is a journey for answers that are only hinted at, with more questions.
I predominantly work in clay but use other materials when I feel it is necessary: glass, string, wood, raffia and mirror. »
Photomanipulation by Elena Vizerskaya, artiste ukrainienne.