Tous les articles tagués artistique

338 Articles
  • Fine digital Art of Diego Fernandez / Illustrator
  • Fine digital Art of Diego Fernandez / Illustrator / Argentina
  • Fine digital Art of Diego Fernandez / Illustrator
  • Fine digital Art of Diego Fernandez
  • Diego Fernandez, Digital illustrator
  • Diego Fernandez, Digital illustrator
  • Diego Fernandez, Digital illustrator
  • Diego Fernandez, Digital illustrator
  • Fine digital Art of Diego Fernandez / Illustrator
  • Fine digital Art of Diego Fernandez
  • Fine digital Art of Diego Fernandez / Illustrator
  • Fine digital Art of Diego Fernandez / Illustrator
  • Fine digital Art of Diego Fernandez
  • Fine digital Art of Diego Fernandez / Illustrator

Fine digital Art of Diego Fernandez

Fine digital Art of Diego Fernandez. Digital illustrator from Buenos Aires, (Argentina).

Fine digital Art of Diego Fernandez

Fine digital Art of Diego Fernandez


Realistic Puppies Sculptures Minami Kawasaki

Realistic Puppies Sculptures Minami Kawasaki. (Japan)
Named « Home sweet home« , so cute !.-  Wool sculptures.

No more information about this artist ?

Minami Kawasaki - Home Sweet Home - puppies

Minami Kawasaki – Home Sweet Home – puppies


  • David Freedman – Deer Metal Sculptures
  • David Freedman – Metal Sculptures
  • David Freedman – Round gates Metal Sculptures
  • David Freedman – Round gates Metal Sculptures
  • David Freedman – metal Horse sculpture
  • David Freedman – Stainless steel dragonfly sculpture
  • David Freedman – Deer Metal Sculptures
  • David Freedman – Deer Metal Sculptures
  • David Freedman – Deer Metal Sculptures
  • David Freedman – Oak leaf throne – Metal
  • David Freedman – Bench metal sculpture

David Freedman Metal Sculptures

David Freedman Metal Sculptures. (UK)
Metal garden sculpture, bespoke artistic gates and unique garden furniture. Original contemporary British sculpture, garden art and public sculpture. From wrought iron gates to bronze sculptures. Insect and flower sculpture.

David Freedman - Deer Metal Sculptures

David Freedman – Deer Metal Sculptures

  • haiiro sushi – paintings human anima rhino
  • haiiro sushi – paintings – 70 x 70cm
  • Sit Haiiro – girls illustrations
  • haiiro sushi – paintings
  • haiiro_sushi – Art
  • haiiro sushi – paintings
  • haiiro sushi – paintings – human dog
  • Sit Haiiro – zebra girl
  • Sit Haiiro – zebra girl
  • Sit Haiiro – illustrations
  • haiiro sushi – paintings
  • haiiro sushi – paintings – human animal

Check Haiiro Sushi !

Check Haiiro Sushi ! Born 1976, Netherland.
Multi-talents Artist – Painter, illustrator, sculptor !

Sit Haiiro - illustrations

Sit Haiiro

SIT – opening Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam from Kallenbach Gallery on Vimeo.

SIT @ ONESIZE, A TIMELAPSE from Onesize on Vimeo.

  • Abbey McCulloch – Jump the Gun – 2010
  • Abbey McCulloch – Painting5
  • Abbey McCulloch – Painting4
  • Abbey McCulloch – Painting3
  • Abbey McCulloch – Painting2
  • Abbey McCulloch – Painting
  • Abbey McCulloch – Painting
  • Abbey McCulloch – Naomi Watts, 2013
  • Abbey McCulloch – Honey Keep It To Yourself
  • Abbey McCulloch – Fickle, 2012 – Oil on canvas
  • Abbey McCulloch – Charcoal on Paper
  • Abbey McCulloch – portrait

Contemporary art – Abbey McCulloch

Contemporary art – Abbey McCulloch (Australie) – born 1975, New Zealand, lives and works in Queensland.

Abbey McCulloch paints quirky sometimes unsettling, representations of female figures sketched onto a sparse background. Working with bold colour choices and often highly textured facial features,  McCulloch creates visually engaging paintings, resulting in figures that entice us, yet stand guarded and restrained within our presence. Raw emotion is presented to us through the use of loose charcoal sketches that work up to the highly worked-up painted facial expressions. “I like the idea of exposing the processes and, in doing so, the final product is left with a more restless conclusion.” (source : hscvisualartresources)

  • Maud White – paper cut art
  • Paper carving artist – Maud White
  • Paper carving artist – Maud White flower
  • Maud White – paper cut art flower
  • Maud White – paper cut art – wip

Paper carving artist – Maud White

Paper carving artist – Maud White / (USA)

Maud White - paper cut art flower

Maud White – paper cut art flower

  • Richard Stainthorp – Wire Sculpture nude
  • Richard Stainthorp – Forest Moon – Wire sculpture
  • Richard Stainthorp – Wire Sculpture WIP nude
  • Richard Stainthorp – Wire Sculpture angel
  • Richard Stainthorp – Wire Sculpture angel
  • Richard Stainthorp – Wire Sculpture angel
  • Richard Stainthorp – Female Faun 2006, steel wire
  • Richard Stainthorp – wire sculptures
  • Richard Stainthorp – Wire Sculpture trees

Wire Sculpture by Richard Stainthorp

Wire Sculpture by Richard Stainthorp (England)

Richard Stainthorp - Female Faun 2006, steel wire

Richard Stainthorp – Female Faun 2006, steel wire

  • Isabel Chiara – George Clooney is inside / Collage gif
  • Isabel Chiara – tears / collage gif animation
  • Isabel Chiara – tears / collage gif
  • Isabel Chiara – playing with gif
  • Isabel Chiara – playing / Collage gif
  • Isabel Chiara – Isabel Chiara – BODONI / Collage gif
  • Isabel Chiara – Dame veneno / Collage gif
  • Isabel Chiara – The haunted mirror / collage gif animation
  • Isabel Chiara – playing with gif

Isabel Chiara – Kitsch animations

 Isabel Chiara – Kitsch animations / collage and illustrations.
Collages humoristiques, mélange de peintures avec des images vintages et des photographies récentes.

Isabel Chiara - tears / collage gif

  • Will Kurtz and Nicolas Sanchez – sculpture cow life
  • Will Kurtz and Nicolas Sanchez – sculpture cow life
  • Will Kurtz – sculpture cow structure
  • Will Kurtz – studio sculptures
  • Will Kurtz – sculpture horse
  • Will Kurtz – sculpture George dog – paper
  • Will Kurtz – sculpture dogs
  • Will Kurtz – sculpture dog
  • Will Kurtz – sculpture dog – papier
  • Will Kurtz – Papier mâché ART
  • Will Kurtz – Papier mâché – ART

Will Kurtz – Papier maché sculptures

Will Kurtz – Papier maché sculptures – use newspaper taped onto a wood and wire armature. The hair will be attached with hot glue.
Live in Brooklyn.

La vache est symboliquement « terrible »…

Will Kurtz and Nicolas Sanchez - sculpture cow life

Will Kurtz and Nicolas Sanchez – sculpture cow life

  • Judy Fox – Worm 2. 2011 aqua-resin and casein
  • Judy Fox – Octopus2
  • Judy Fox – Venus sculpture
  • Judy Fox – Squid1
  • Judy Fox – Snow White, 2007.Terra Cotta, casien
  • Judy Fox – Rapunzel 1998 – Terra cota, Casien
  • Judy Fox – Large Octopus 1. 2011 aqua – resin and casein
  • Judy Fox – portrait

Judy Fox Sculptures

Judy Fox Sculptures – Ceramic sculptor working in New York .
She is represented by PPOW gallery in New York, and at Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac in Europe. A complete catalogue of figurative sculpture from 1990 to 2005 is available, edited by Austrian critic Barbara Wally.

She is best known for her fired clay figures of nude children that are realistically painted with casein paint. Her sculptures of children address child sexuality, and her meticulously detailed adult nudes reflect her interest in feminist issues.

Judy Fox - Snow White, 2007.Terra Cotta, casien

Judy Fox – Snow White, 2007.Terra Cotta, casien

  • jesse thompson – DRESS-UP (Longarms) – Sculpture
  • Jesse-Thompson-Dress-Up-Frog-Legs
  • Jesse-Thompson-Dress-up-Frog-Legs-1
  • Jesse-Thompson-Dress-Up-Frog-Legs
  • jesse thompson – DRESS-UP
  • jesse thompson – DRESS-UP (Longarms) – Sculpture

Jesse Thompson – Sculptures

Jesse Thompson – Sculptures / resin –
Playing with Proportions  “For whatever reason, I have this affinity for the weird, ugly and uncomfortable, and a sort of distaste for the beautiful and lovely,”



Originally from New Jersey, Jesse Thompson has made his home in Providence, RI.  After graduating from the Rhode Island School of Design’s Masters in Sculpture Program in 2007, Jesse established a studio on Providence’s west side where he makes sculptures, paintings, drawings and friends with stray cats. He teaches drawing, illustration, anatomy and animation at The Rhode Island School of Design, Monserrat College of Art, and Bristol Community College.

  • gerard cambon – Sculpture
  • gerard cambon – Sculpture Cabriolet rouge
  • gerard cambon – bateau-lyre sculpture
  • gerard cambon – Sculpture 09-N°3
  • gerard cambon – Sculpture 0y6-a
  • gerard cambon – Locomobile violette ( janvier 2015)
  • gerard cambon – Sculpture – loco-oeuf
  • gerard cambon – felouque sculpture
  • gerard cambon – Sculpture expo 2015
  • gerard cambon – Sculpture Elixirs
  • gerard cambon – Sculpture bateau aux epices
  • gerard cambon – Sculpture loco-aux-citrons

Les belles histoires que nous raconte Gerard Cambon

Les belles histoires que nous raconte Gerard Cambon avec ses sculptures… (fr)

gerard cambon - felouque sculpture

gerard cambon – felouque sculpture

Expo : 
 » Elixirs » du 12 Mars au 11 avril – Galerie Béatrice Soulié – 21 rue Guénégaud – Paris

  • Soey Milk – yolandi visser – Watercolor and gouache on paper
  • Soey Milk – The Flowering Tree- Pencil on paper
  • Soey Milk – Pencil on paper
  • Soey Milk – Pencil on paper
  • Soey Milk – Pencil on paper
  • Soey Milk – paintings
  • Soey Milk – paintings
  • Soey Milk – paintings portrait
  • Soey Milk – Let Me Speak To You – pencil

Dark romantic illustrations Soey Milk

Dark romantic illustrations Soey Milk ! (USA)

Soey Milk - paintings

Soey Milk – paintings

  • Art dolls -cdlitestudio – Ballerina
  • Art dolls -cdlitestudio – The Bride of Frankenstein
  • Art dolls – cdlitestudio – steampunk time traveler-BB
  • Art dolls – cdlitestudio – Mermaid mystic
  • Art dolls – cdlitestudio – creepy doll
  • Angel D by cdlitestudio
  • Art dolls – cdlitestudio – BJD inspired ballerina A
  • Art dolls -cdlitestudio – Ballerina
  • Art dolls -cdlitestudio – Ballerina
  • Art dolls – cdlitestudio – creepy doll-B
  • Art dolls -cdlitestudio – Alice

Fairy Art dolls – cdlitestudio

Fairy Art dolls – cdlitestudio (Canada)

Angel D by cdlitestudio

Angel D by cdlitestudio

  • Frank Gehry – Fish Lamps
  • Frank Gehry – Fish Lamps
  • Frank Gehry – Fish Lamps
  • Frank Gehry – Fish Lamps
  • Frank Gehry – Fish Lamps
  • Frank Gehry – Crocodile
  • Frank Gehry – Fondation Louis Vuitton / Fish Lamps
  • Frank Gehry – Fish Lamps

Luminous Fish Frank Gehry

Luminous Fish Frank Gehry – first produced his Fish Lamps between 1984 and 1986 using the then-new plastic laminate ColorCore. After accidentally shattering a piece of ColorCore while working on a commission for Formica, he decided to use the broken shards as fish scales by glueing them onto wire armatures.

Frank Gehry - Fondation Louis Vuitton / Fish Lamps

Frank Gehry – Fondation Louis Vuitton / Fish Lamps

Frank Gehry est l’Architecte de la Fondation Louis Vuitton (espace dédiée à la création contemporaine) ; où l’on peut y admirer ses poissons (Restaurant).


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