Jelly fish air plant by PetitBeast – Beautiful art home déco.
Facile à entretenir. Arrosage deux fois par semaine et une piece agréable et lumineuse avec soleil indirect pour prospérer.
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Jelly fish air plant by PetitBeast – Beautiful art home déco.
Facile à entretenir. Arrosage deux fois par semaine et une piece agréable et lumineuse avec soleil indirect pour prospérer.
L’Univers onirique de Sabrina Gruss. (France)
/// Sabrina Gruss was born in Paris in 1958. It is during in her early childhood that the creation invites itself in her games. A the age of twenty, she moved to Provence where she studied to the School of fine Arts of Avignon and obtains in 1983 the Upper National Diploma of Plastic Expression. It is in 1993 that she develops her artistic personality. She settles down in the countryside where the surrounding nature suplies her all she needs to express herself and bring to life a strange and dreamlike world inhabited by characters made of bones, feathers and fibers. From 2000, her creatures, as she calls them, are exhibited in galleries. She is especially permanently represented by galleries Béatrice Soulié in Paris and Richard Nicolet in Provence. In addition to her artistic creation, Sabrina Gruss conducts art workshops in psychiatric institutions, jails and for youn adults in insertion. She is also involved in the artistic direction of exhibitions, for example in 1990 and 1991 for the Avignon Festival and in the design and realization of fountains, playgrounds, murals paintings, integrated into the urban landscape. ///
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Cadavres exquis et autres défunts animés… à découvrir :
Remus and Romulus revisited by artist Liu Qiang’s. (China)
Like a modern-day homage to the famous symbol of Rome, the statue of Remus and Romulus, artist Liu Qiang’s powerful sculpture entitled “29h59’59″ commands a powerful presence at China’s 798 Art District in Beijing. The exploitation of animals in modern agriculture and humanity’s perverse reliance on animals for food takes center stage in the riveting piece of art. We found the interpretation of a fellow Facebook fan, Joanna Lucas, particularly interesting. She posted the photo with the following caption:
“This stunning sculpture by Liu Qiang is an accurate depiction of humanity’s use of, and utter dependence on other animals and, in particular, the savage and bizarre habit of consuming the breast milk from mothers of other species—milk that these mothers have produced for their own babies, babies that we forced them to become pregnant with only to kill shortly after birth so that we can take the bereft mother’s milk, milk that we drink as though we were the children that we murdered.”
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Humanimal – Sculptures and installations Jane Alexander. Born 1959 – South africa.
« L’univers plastique de Jane Alexander est mélancolique, désabusé. La figure pleinement humaine y est quasiment absente, laissant place à des créatures bestiales. Des monstres créés et façonnés par l’homme. Enfermé chacun dans une perspective de plus en plus égocentrique, notre isolement fait ressortir le pire. Obnubilés par nos besoins irrationnels de protection et de sécurité face à l’Autre, nous avons développé des stratégies de remparts de plus en plus honteuses, sans jamais avoir appris la leçon de l’Histoire. »
Beautiful figuratives sculptures of George Lafayette. (USA)
« Inspirations for my sculptures come from my inner feelings about life, rebirth, and spiritual mysticism. They are the reflections and interpretation of my life experiences. Some of the shows I have exhibited at are: Sausalito Art Fair, Beverly Hills-Affairs in the Garden, Golden Sculpture Association, La Quinta Art Festival, Malibu Art Show, Cherry Creek Art Festival, and Scottsdale Art Festival. I have been awarded first place in figurative sculpture in GSA and Affairs in the Garden. I have been commisssioned to do private work for some of my clients. »
Hyper realistic sculpture – Zarko Baseski, Macedonian sculptor. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Fine Arts in Skopje in 1988 and acquired the M.A. degree at the same institution ( in 1998) and later became the school’s Sculpture Department professor in 2010.
Zharko Basheski Sculpture, Macedonian sculptor. Currently working in the field of hyperrealistic contemporary sculpture and self-portrait sculpture.
From 1984 and on, his work has been presented at several international exhibitions. He has been the recipient of numerous awards. Much of his work is in private collections in the country and in foreign countries.