Il y a beaucoup d’amor dans l’oeuvre de Zdzisław Beksiński (Pologne) born 1929
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479 ArticlesNathalie DESHAIRS – Peintures
Nathalie DESHAIRS – Peintures
jusqu’au 13 décembre : Melting Art Gallery 34 rue de la Halle – 59000 Lille, France
Nathalie Deshairs est née en 1964 à Grenoble. Elle vit et travaille à Menton. Après avoir étudié à l’école des Beaux-arts d’Aix-en-Provence et enseigné à l’école d’Art Plastiques de Menton, elle se consacre exclusivement à son art depuis 2004.
« Il y a dans les tableaux de Nathalie Deshairs le commencement de quelque chose qui va prendre forme sous nos yeux et dont on ne sait rien encore sinon qu’il baigne dans une torpeur monochrome ouverte à toutes les évolutions. Le mouvement personnifié, via une technique sans faille, encre de Chine et pierre noire. Tout l’art de l’artiste est ici de donner l’illusion du geste, de découvrir le corps, ses frontières, sa plastique dans un espace uni. Des courbes s’entrelacent, se chevauchent, se confrontent, donnant à l’ensemble du dessin une respiration saisissante. La superposition de tonalités translucides, quelques taches, quelques coulures, apportent la profondeur, l’évanescence. Le corps humain flotte dans l’espace, c’est l’esprit qui se libère de toutes les contraintes, qui s’affranchit de la pesanteur. Et cet art est difficile, que l’on ne s’y trompe pas, nul repentir n’y étant permis… Art difficile, car pour atteindre à tant de légèreté, il faut de toute évidence avoir côtoyé la gravité du monde. Une peinture de nuances et de finesses en laquelle il faut se laisser absorber »
Ludovic Duhamel, Miroir de l’Art, juillet 2010 (source : aralya)
Contemporain Syrian art Safwan Dahoul
Contemporain Syrian art Safwan Dahoul.
Born in 1961 in Hama, Syria, Safwan Dahoul lives and works in Dubai.
Safwan Dahoul explores the corporal and psychological effects of alienation, solitude, and longing that punctuate the human experience at various stages in life. Partly autobiographical, his ongoing Dream series utilises the formal properties of painting to recreate the subconscious sense of enclosure that surfaces during times of crisis, whether in mourning, estrangement, or political conflict. Dahoul’s recurring female protagonist facilitates this visceral encounter through her contorted body, often-vacant eyes, and minimised yet monumental physicality. Frequently depicted in the confinement of ambiguous settings, she is invariably defined by architectural details and the placement of interior accents such as a table or chair, deepening the state of her disaffection, as even the familiar becomes a site of distress. (source :
HyperRealism paintings with Hubert de Lartigue
HyperRealism paintings with Hubert de Lartigue (FR). French painter and illustrator. Acrylic on canvas.
Portraits, Nudes and details.
“The portrait is a classic theme in the world of painting. However, I try to create elements of surprise in each of my portraits, the way I crop them, the expression or the attitude of the models. But the power of the portrait lies above all in the look of the model, which is unique each time. All I have to do is underline the strength and the intensity.”
AWSOME Mixed media sculptures of Kris Kuksi
AWSOME Mixed media sculptures of Kris Kuksi
et le mot est faible face à son imagination, des détails et de la technique !
(Born 1973, in Springfield Missouri and growing up in neighboring Kansas)
A post-industrial Rococo master, Kris Kuksi obsessively arranges characters and architecture in asymmetric compositions with an exquisite sense of drama. Instead of stones and shells he uses screaming plastic soldiers, miniature engine blocks, towering spires and assorted debris to form his landscapes.
The political, spiritual and material conflict within these shrines is enacted under the calm gaze of remote deities and august statuary. Kuksi manages to evoke, at once, a sanctum and a mausoleum for our suffocated spirit. Guillermo del Toro
Narrative paintings of James Guppy
Narrative paintings of James Guppy, born in London (1954). Live and work in Australia.
Guppy’s powerful and enigmatic narrative-based paintings travelled to eleven different locations in Australia in a national solo touring survey show (2009 – 11). Throughout his career, Guppy’s subject matter has varied from surreal moments, scenes of suspense, explosion clouds, formidable women and anthropomorphic beings, all executed with a refined and intelligent approach, appearing both dramatic and lifelike.
World of Charles Avery
World of Charles Avery / (born 1973) is a Scottish artist from Oban.
He currently lives and works in London. Since 2004, he has devoted his practice to the perpetual description of an imaginary island. Through drawings, sculptures and texts. Avery describes the topology, cosmology and inhabitants of this fictional territory, from the market of the main town Onomatopoeia to the Eternal Forest where an unknown beast called the Noumenon is held to reside. The project can be read as a meditation on some of the central themes of philosophy of art-making, and on the colonization and ownership of the world of ideas.
He is represented by the gallery Pilar Corrias in London.
(Source : wikipedia)
Fabulous Illustrator artist Russ Mills
Fabulous Illustrator artist Russ Mills. (UK)
« My work dwells in a netherworld between urban fine art and contemporary graphics, A collision of real and digital media it is primarily illustration based with a firm foundation in drawing, I focus mainly on the human form particularly the face, interweaving elements from the animal kingdom often reflecting the absurdity of human nature. »
L’être humain a aussi quelquechose d’effrayant – Sculptures de Hans Jorgensen
L’être humain a aussi quelquechose d’effrayant – Sculptures de Hans Jorgensen, né en 1948 au Danemark. Il est diplômé des Beaux Arts de Copenhague. Il séjourne à L’étranger pendant plusieurs années : d’abord au Maroc puis en Espagne à Madrid où il travaille avec des artistes de la Casa Velasquez sur une recherche autour de l’œuvre de Goya. Il Se fixe ensuite en France et se consacre à la sculpture.
Saltimbanques agités, mannequins décharnés, démantibulés, de quel enfer nostalgique de fiel et de hasard, vous êtes vous échappés ? De quel désespoir aigu êtes vous revenus ? Vous hantez nos misères et vous saccagez nos habitudes. Vous réveillez le chaos sublime endormi dans nos passages cloutés. Vous éveillez nos bas-fonds perdus. Vous enchantez nos pulsions détruites, vous dansez à vif et à cru sur l’ennui de nos écrans, et vous ensanglantez nos routines. Créatures de survie sauvage, vous nous sauvez la vie, et nos démons s’enracinent aux affres de vos désirs… Christian Noorbergen
EXPO : jusqu’au 20 octobre 2014. Galerie Jean-marc Laik, Altenhof 9 – 56068 Koblenz Allemagne
Art and Digital Imagery – Isabella Morawetz
Art and Digital Imagery – Isabella Morawetz / 22 ans,
a commencé à peindre sur photoshop à 12 ans / sur une Wacom Intuos Pro
« I’ve spent my 22 years of life drawing and have been photoshopping since I was twelve. Obsessed with all things digital post-process. »
and 8 Photoshop brushes, she created Download HERE.
Sculptures en { grillage } de Kendra Haste
Sculptures en { grillage } de Kendra Haste. (GB) / Galvanised wire Sculptures
« What interests me most about studying animals is identifying the spirit and character of the individual creatures. I try to create a sense of the living, breathing subject in a static 3-D form, attempting to convey the emotional essence without indulging in the sentimental or anthropomorphic »
Recently commissioned by Historic Royal Palaces to fabricate thirteen sculptures as part of an exhibition ‘Royal Beasts’ exploring the history of the Royal Menagerie at the Tower of London. The work will remain on-site as a permanent installation once the exhibition finishes.
Made from her trademark material, galvanised wire; life-size lions, baboons, a polar bear and an elephant help tell the story of the exotic animals that were a popular tourist attraction at the Tower from the 1100s.