Anne Bothuon – Sculpture Textile art / Vit et travaille à Paris.
Scénographe, costumière pour le théâtre, peintre et sculpteur.
Sculptures à taille humaine qui trouvent vie et âme avec le fil et les aiguilles de l’artiste.
Anne Bothuon – Sculpture Textile art / Vit et travaille à Paris.
Scénographe, costumière pour le théâtre, peintre et sculpteur.
Sculptures à taille humaine qui trouvent vie et âme avec le fil et les aiguilles de l’artiste.
Au ‘corps’ du détail – Textile Art Sally Hewett (England)
» My practice centres around ideas of beauty and ugliness and the conventions that determine which is seen as which. I am interested in why some characteristics of bodies are considered beautiful and others ugly or disgusting.
My concern is with how we see things and how we interpret what we see: does my particular way of representing bodies, using fabrics and stitching (with their historical and political associations), affect how the content of the work is seen? Is it seen as ugly, disgusting, beautiful, erotic, or just funny ? «
Morwenna Catt– Art textile work / UK
Installation of Trophies, a Collection of archetypes with specimen labels. A set of sculptural, wall based textile pieces, heavily worked with antique fabrics and rich embroidery.
A series of embroidered sculptural heads inspired by the Victorian « science » of phrenology. Frankenstein-like rows of stitches replace facial features, reinforcing the surgical associations of needlework and lending an « uncanny anatomical presence ».