Sculptures monumentales de Javier Marín

Sculptures monumentales de Javier Marín. (born in Uruapan, Michoacan, Mexico in 1962)

Javier Marin’s sculpture a unique and dynamic blend of Western European and Mexican culture. Working quickly, primarily in clay, Marín does not refer to a model but instead relies on his remarkable knowledge of the human form gathered from years of drawing directly from the figure. Process is one of the artist’s most obvious passions, spikes of bronze are often left exposed to show the paths of molten metal flowing into the cast figure. During the creation of a work, words might be quickly inscribed onto the raw clay, holes gouged and support structures left exposed. It is this deliberate coarseness combined with his elegant classic approach to the figure that combines to give these works such power and substance.
(source txt : evokecontemporary)

Javier Marín – sculptures

Si il veut me prendre en stage, pas de problème…


LilaVert I-I: Graphiste freelance Print / Webdesign - Photos - Sculptures
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