Sensual painting Shen Ning (China, B. 1976) Encres sur soie / Inks on silk
Patrick Cabral – papercuts Art / A project in collaboration with World Wide Fund for Nature and Acts of Kindness.
This project aims to raise awareness about endangered species. 50 % of the sales will go to WWF.
Patrick Cabral (best known as Darkgravity in Instagram) is a Multi-disciplinary Designer and Type Artist based in Manila, Philippines.
His love for calligraphy started when he was just 11 years old, when he took an odd job of writing the names of graduating students’ high school diplomas. This was his first foray into the world of letters and typography.
Kei Meguro illustrations (Japan)
Kei Meguro is currently a working illustrator and graphic designer living in New York with her french-bulldog/Pekingese mix assistant, Momo.
Meguro began as a self taught artist from a young age and much of what she has learned has come from her interaction and appreciation of great art. She developed her techniques at the School of Visual Arts, where she started out majoring in Fine Arts and received a BFA in Graphic Design in 2010.
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Le riz de Camargue cultivé par des canards
Les canards, une alternative originale et écologique aux pesticides !
Bernard Poujol témoigne : « L’homme devient l’organisateur du jardin, et pas le prédateur. Je suis très fier de produire du riz camarguais sans faire violence ni à l’environnement, ni aux animaux qu’on élève ! »
Extrait de l’émission « Des Racines et Des Ailes : Gardiens des trésors du Gard » diffusée le 27/06/2017.
Yasam Sasmazer artist (born in Istanbul in 1980) – Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts in Istanbul.
In her work, she uses the human psyche, in its dark or bright side, as her main site of investigation. With her realistic sculptures, she questions in turn the notions of identity, doppelganger, the self & the other, the individual in his social or natural environment, willingly deconstructing the clichés and cultural structures that surround these ideas. (source :
Ter Ars Zawitkowska Pastel and Charcoal (Teresa Zawitkowska)
Pasha Pasha Wonderfull Art dolls (USA) aka Pasha Setrova.
An original artist who creates moody storybook imagery in the 3-D form be it with resin, fabric, or by her own breath and body.
Octoplum Beautiful Dolls art sculptures (UK) aka Paloma Smith : sculptor, artist, designer, feminist and cat mother…
Vous pouvez retrouver l’évolution de son travail notamment sur Instagram, work in progress.
Ses sculptures sont pulpeuses et fascinantes; d’une beauté fatale pour cette vénus aux seins généreux, au regard envoutant, à cette bouche qu’on a envie d’embrasser… mamamiaaaa
So cute Calanques de Marseille 4k – Time lapse Little Big World