Steampunk sculpture by Edouard Martinet – Mixed-media art.
Animal and Insect Assemblages Made from Repurposed Objects. (France)
- Visit his website
Sculpteur Textile Art de Anne-Valerie Dupond. Formée à la faculté d’arts plastiques de Strasbourg, elle est repérée très tôt par la galerie Edgar à Paris en 2001, et son succès grandit rapidement.
Elle expose aujourd’hui ses œuvres sensibles, surprenantes et poétiques un peu partout à travers le monde. De l’univers enfantin à l’art contemporain, en passant par la déco, son travail touche un large public.(trophées de chasse et animaux en tout genre. Bustes de grands hommes, pin-up, sculptures baroques, …).
Son travail s’exporte un peu partout à travers le monde, et a déjà fait l’objet de belles collaborations (Kenzo, Undercover, le Printemps, Comme des Garçons ,…).
Funky tête de fruit de l’artiste Dimitri Tsykalov (Russie). Têtes de mort avec des légumes et fruits.
Paris-based Russian artist Dimitri Tsykalov makes cool stuff, like these skulls made out of fruit and vegetables that he worked on from 2005-2008. Tsykalov’s intriguing and provocative works of art that are often based on food. The food sculptures he creates are photographed on plain backgrounds.
Sculpture by Byeong Doo Moon South Korean artist.
I have been dreaming to be a tree…II
Crystal Beads Taxidermy by Kohei Nawa.
Japanese sculptor and assistant professor at Kyoto University of Art and Design, Kohei Nawa is known for his pixcell series, where countless transparent glass beads encase the artwork objects.
« Most of the motifs, like stuffed animals are found through the internet. I search some auction sites and choose from the images which appear on a monitor as pixel. However, the stuffed animals which actually have been purchased and sent have real flesh feel and smell, and have a discrepancy with images on the monitor. I then transpose them to PixCell in turn. »
“Spine” Corset, Untitled, spring / summer 1998 by Alexander McQueen.
“I find beauty in the grotesque, like most artists. I have to force people to look at things.”
Cris Brodahl {White cloud}
Wood Art sculptures by Aron Demetz. Italian artist, born 1972. Europe exhibition Rome, Vienna, Milan or London.
Aron Demetz est un artiste italien né en 1972. Il créé des sculptures (bois d’érable et silicone) dans des poses tantôt sombres, tantôt mélancoliques, jouant sur des figures adolescentes ou enfantines.
Elles sentent l’odeur de résine ou de vernis, tente de symboliser les énergies biologiques et cosmiques qui animent tout être humain. A découvrir ses dernieres sculptures carbonisées.
For years, Aron Demetz (1972) has been focusing on the human figure, on contemporary characters which appear to be frozen in poses of the antique portraiture or paralysed in bizarre postures. This realistic gallery, which very often displays children or adolescents, is highly distinguished because of its formal composure while, at the same time, an atmosphere of melancholic meditation enshrouds the sculptures and makes them somehow classic and somehow stringently modern.
In the last two years the artist has dedicated himself to a different projection of the human figure moving from the reflection and the research on emotions to a form of expression which wants to return to its origins, to the most profound human roots. Next to wood (which, however, always remains the soul of all the works) Demetz started to experiment with different materials such as silver and aluminium foils which bestow an aura of original uniqueness on the works, a condition of ethereal pureness. To the spectator, they suggest a metamorphosis, the feeling of observing a being which is changing, which is ready to start a new life, to exploit new possibilities. Through associations, images and symbols these sculptures speak to collective conscience. Fully aware of their own physicality and their physical and spiritual changes, the sculptures most often evoke the constant and meticulous research of the human “position”. A position which, on the one hand, has to be understood in a symbolic way (‘man’ understood as a symbol of power and at the same time of humility), but on the other, it has to be seen in a real, physical way – a position in a space with whom mankind has to interact daily.
Recently, Aron Demetz presents a series of works which centres around the topic of cujidures – “seams”. In order to approach this new challenge, the artist chose resin as material to create his figures. The needed resin was collected with great patience from the wounds of the trees in the forests in Val Gardena. This instable material which is in constant change has intrinsic characteristics which are highly evocative. It has a strong scent, it can crystallise, melt, change colour (from an intense yellow to red or black), it can be very sticky or even conserve organic traces and small animals inside itself.
By putting resin on his faces and busts, Demetz lays a new skin which saturates, welds or stitches their wounds (which have to be understood as wounds of the soul, as thoughts and important feelings). It is a living skin which not only covers, but even enters the works of art. Once again these sculptures display a range of different, even opposite meanings. Next to stirring life, hope and renewal the sculptures also express something archaic and primitive, a being which visibly evokes a mummified figure and which immediately makes the spectator think of rot and death. Therefore, these works trigger off a reflection on the body as a biological and vital structure with its moods, its smells, its heat and its limits. The works spread a twine of visceral energies which enshrouds everyone who enters the meanders of this primitive cosmos.
Expo : Mexico, DF.
Sculptures hyper-realiste macabre de Berlinde De Bruyckere – très éprouvantes.. (née en 1964)
La sculptrice flamande crée des sculptures et des dessins de corps humains souffrants qui ressemblent à s’y méprendre à la réalité. Elle mêle dans ses sculptures des motifs religieux, des images médiatiques et inscrit le motif chrétien de l’être humain souffrant dans l’époque contemporaine. La confrontation avec le corps à laquelle se livre l’artiste conduit à des questionnements sur l’éthique de notre société et sont le lieu d’interrogations fondamentales sur la nature de l’être humain.
Beautiful Floral animal sculptures by Natasha Cousens, Artist & Sculptor. Live in UK, moving soon to New Zealand.
Also, visit in the same way sculptures of BETH CAVENER STICHTER
The little girls / Les “petites bonnes femmes” de Valérie HADIDA, sculpteure et peintre. (France)
Diplôme de l’Ecole d’arts plastiques et publicité de la ville de Paris (EMSAT). Travail dans l’atelier de Marielle POLSKA pendant 6 ans. Prix Fondation Paul RICARD en 1991. Expose en galeries depuis 1990.
Ses “petites bonnes femmes” ou lolita: “Elle aime les surnommer ainsi … Sans doute avec un brin de provocation, mais très certainement avec beaucoup de tendresse. Ces figures féminines multiples sont un regard hors temps, hors contraintes, hors normes. De l’adolescente à peine sortie de l’enfance, à la femme mature, elles sont toutes là pour nous rappeler le cheminement de la femme, des femmes. Fières ou faibles, en action ou dans l’attente, fragiles ou fortes, poussées par le vent de la vie ou s’arc-boutant contre ses vicissitudes, aucune ne laisse indifférent… Les “Petites bonnes femmes” de Valérie sont un émouvant voyage à travers l’âme humaine.”
Isabelle RAKOTOVAO (Historienne d’art).
En dehors de la sculpture, Valérie Hadida a aussi animé, pour la télé, les héros de L’Histoire sans fin ou ceux de Bob Morane.
C’est avec l’anti-Shrek, « Chasseurs de Dragons » qu’elle fait ses premiers pas au cinéma. Des dragons qui l’ont menée tout droit à Malaria, le royaume d’Igor.
The little girls / Lolita’s of Valerie Hadida [France]
School of Visual Arts and advertising of the city of Paris (EMSAT). Work in the workshop of Marielle POLSKA for 6 years. Paul Ricard Foundation Prize in 1991. Exhibited in galleries since 1990.
Her » little girls » or lolita’s: » as she names her … Probably with a bit of provocation, but certainly with great tenderness . These multiple female figures are a timeless look , without constraints, outsized . The teenager barely out of childhood, mature woman , they are all there to remind us of the progress of women, women. Proud or low, action or pending , fragile or strong, driven by the wind of life or buttress against its vicissitudes, none leave indifferent … The « little girls » Valerie sculptures is an emotional trip through human soul. «
Isabelle RAKOTOVAO (Art historian) .
Apart sculpture, Valérie Hadida also led to the TV , the heroes of The Neverending Story or those of Bob Morane.
and the anti- Shrek, » Dragon Hunters » she took her first steps in cinema . Dragons who led straight to Malaria , the Kingdom of Igor .