Bob Basset – Sculpture art leather mask (Ukraine)
Tous les articles dans ART Recup
13 ArticlesYannis Lagresle Sculptures mixedmedia
Yannis Lagresle Sculptures mixedmedia / récup (FR) Artiste autodidacte.
Sculpture et récupération d’objets : laxons, hélices, cylindres, pressoirs, extincteurs… donnent vie à des personnages drôles, expressifs et tendres.
Jeremy Mayer – Typewriter assemblage sculpture
Jeremy Mayer – Typewriter assemblage sculpture (live and work in Oakland)
Jeremy Mayer disassemble typewriters and then reassemble them into full-scale, anatomically correct human figures: « I do not solder, weld, or glue these assemblages together – the process is entirely cold assembly. I don’t use anything that doesn’t come from a typewriter. »
Sculptor Kevin Titzer
Steam art recycle Sculptor Kevin Titzer (USA-Quebec)
Sculptures de l’artiste Kevin Titzer, magnifique univers aux parfums d’enfances, pas si innocents..
L’Univers onirique de Sabrina Gruss
L’Univers onirique de Sabrina Gruss. (France)
/// Sabrina Gruss was born in Paris in 1958. It is during in her early childhood that the creation invites itself in her games. A the age of twenty, she moved to Provence where she studied to the School of fine Arts of Avignon and obtains in 1983 the Upper National Diploma of Plastic Expression. It is in 1993 that she develops her artistic personality. She settles down in the countryside where the surrounding nature suplies her all she needs to express herself and bring to life a strange and dreamlike world inhabited by characters made of bones, feathers and fibers. From 2000, her creatures, as she calls them, are exhibited in galleries. She is especially permanently represented by galleries Béatrice Soulié in Paris and Richard Nicolet in Provence. In addition to her artistic creation, Sabrina Gruss conducts art workshops in psychiatric institutions, jails and for youn adults in insertion. She is also involved in the artistic direction of exhibitions, for example in 1990 and 1991 for the Avignon Festival and in the design and realization of fountains, playgrounds, murals paintings, integrated into the urban landscape. ///
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Cadavres exquis et autres défunts animés… à découvrir :
Les superbes creations textiles mixed-media d’Amanda Louise
Les superbes creations textiles mixed-media d’Amanda Louise à découvrir sur son site, sa boutique en ligne et la suivre sur son profil facebook
Sculptures de Susan Valyi
Sculptures de Susan Valyi [Canada]
Création de sculptures, en trois dimensions, comme un puzzle. Susan aime explorer des matériaux non conventionnels. Intéressée par le geste et l’humour. Etres humains, animaux ou les deux. Ses sculptures sont faites de bois flotté ou provenant de meubles anciens, de vieux outils, d’objets récupérés dans les décharges, les granges, les remises…
Bicéphale ou disjonctés, sculptures de Stéphanie Vandal
Bicéphale ou disjonctés, Mixed Media ART sculptures de Stéphanie Vandal ! [Québec]