Oeuvres VIEdermistes de Murielle Belin, inspirations imaginaires mixed-media sculptures, taxidermie, in formol, peintures et illustrations.
Travaille près de Nancy (1976).
Oeuvres VIEdermistes de Murielle Belin, inspirations imaginaires mixed-media sculptures, taxidermie, in formol, peintures et illustrations.
Travaille près de Nancy (1976).
Pour la préservation des fonds marins… La BD qui détruit intermarché fait le buzz de l’année.
Tres interessant et magnifique illustré par Pénélope Bagieu
Remus and Romulus revisited by artist Liu Qiang’s. (China)
Like a modern-day homage to the famous symbol of Rome, the statue of Remus and Romulus, artist Liu Qiang’s powerful sculpture entitled “29h59’59″ commands a powerful presence at China’s 798 Art District in Beijing. The exploitation of animals in modern agriculture and humanity’s perverse reliance on animals for food takes center stage in the riveting piece of art. We found the interpretation of a fellow Facebook fan, Joanna Lucas, particularly interesting. She posted the photo with the following caption:
“This stunning sculpture by Liu Qiang is an accurate depiction of humanity’s use of, and utter dependence on other animals and, in particular, the savage and bizarre habit of consuming the breast milk from mothers of other species—milk that these mothers have produced for their own babies, babies that we forced them to become pregnant with only to kill shortly after birth so that we can take the bereft mother’s milk, milk that we drink as though we were the children that we murdered.”
(Source texte : freefromharm.org)
Animal sculptures by Nick Mackman. (UK) / Drawing on her experience as a rhino keeper and on safari, she aims to get under the skin of the animal and then recreate it, giving each one its own personality. Her pieces are Raku fired, argile or papier maché used.
Colin and Kristine Poole – Sculptures figuratives & peintures (USA)
Demonstration of creating a life-sized, coil-built ceramic figurative sculpture
Prince Fluffy Kareem help horses – donkeys and camels in Egypt –
Ca fait un moment que je suis leur page sur Facebook et ils font un travail formidable, un exemple parmis d’autres – comme pour cette jument arrivée dans un état pitoyable dans leur asso (voir photo ci-dessous).
Elle n’était pas vouée de par son état à être maman… car souffrant de calcification dans ses pattes avant et d’atrophie musculaire du fait d’avoir été gravement émaciée.
Pour la « Fête des Mères » fêtée aujourd’hui dans certains pays, ils ont reposté la video de la naisssance de son poulain ! Une vraie émotion (dont j’ai pompé la video, j’espere qu’ils ne m’en voudont pas ! :)
Je copie-colle de même leur texte ci-dessous (en anglais) de l’époque où ils l’ont accueilli, expliquant la situation.
When her teats started dripping milk, we realized the vet had been mistaken, and she was actually two months further along than originally assumed. After many days and nights on constant foal watch she gave birth just the night we weren’t intending to stay awake. We were accidentally on the land at night because of a sick foster horse that we were giving IV fluids, and just as we finished up and closed the lights, Na3na3’s water broke. Her foal was called Tayyar (which translates roughly to « someone who flies »), and after he was born I had post-natal depression for weeks. I hadn’t wanted a foal, and I felt overwhelmed with guilt and responsibility for a new life. I didn’t touch him and didn’t cuddle him. However, he grew on me slowly by being the kindest and gentlest foal ever. All the others are really cheeky, but Tayyar is the perfect gentleman and only wants to be brushed or cuddled. Before he was born, people were telling me Na3na3 would be happy to be a mum, and I thought « what a load of sentimental crap – that’s just instincts ». But I have to say, I really do believe she is enjoying motherhood. She is a people’s horse, and doesn’t like any other horses so she was always a bit lonely. She loves all the extra attention that comes with having a foal, loves to be with her son, and she has even taken on our two rescue foals Weeble and Blossom – they are the only ones allowed to eat with her. She looks like she has triplets when they are all going around in a herd So happy, happy Mother’s Day to all of you two-legged and four-legged mothers!
Contributions can be sent via Paypal to princefluffykareem@hotmail.co.uk (Preferred currency is GBP but this PayPal account will accept all currencies)
Bank transfers:
NB: If you are making a donation or setting up a regular payment to any of these following accounts please could you reference the payment with PFK (and then your name so that we will see who the payment is from)
UK Residents can use the (PFK) account of Emma Thompson: Natwest Sortcode 524142 Account Number 48150428
Australians can use the (PFK) account of S. Foley PFK Fundraising: IMB bank BSB 641 800 Account number 200677481
NB: It is possible to make an international transfer to the UK account IBAN: GB86NWBK52414248150428, BIC: NWBKGB2L but please check with your bank as sometimes international bank transfers can incur heavy fees!
We get many messages from followers who would like to send us used tack. Due to the very unreliable Egyptian postal system as well as customs wanting taxes and bribes, it is not possible to post items directly to us in Egypt. To ensure delivery all items must be couriered in by someone visiting Cairo, usually Marte from Norway or Emma from England. Due to limited luggage allowance we prioritise wound treatment products, wormers, fluffy nosebands and girth covers. If you would like to send something, please send us a message to get the address.
Other things you can do to help:
– Spread the word! Share our Facebook page and our website. The more awareness for the cause, the better.
– Hold a fundraiser for Team Kareem! Many of our supporters have held cake stalls, auctioned off used tack or their own drawings and paintings, and one eager fluffeteer even held a Breakfast Barbeque Fundraiser in his office!
Thank you to everyone for joining, for reading, for commenting, for sharing the page, for fundraising, for donating, we could never have done this without you!
Horses sculptures by Stephanie Revennaugh, born 1973 – USA
I model form because it is the most natural way for me to express an idea or feeling. I model the horse because its form has been imprinted into my consciousness through long hours of interaction, focused observation and drawing. While I am fascinated with the beauty and elegance of equine design, it is the sensitive spirit of the horse which invites exploration of more abstract deeper meanings. Striving towards goals and seeking adventure juxtaposed to finding peace and serenity are themes that appear in my work, alongside thoughts on a gregarious social life versus introspective solitude.
The elk dance… :)
Quand l’Art devient grotesque, sans interet et immonde.
When Art becomes grotesque, without interest and filthy.
Les « oeuvres » de Tiina-Liisa Kaalamo (Finlande).
Technique mixte, entre autres, fourrure, crânes de rat et queues de… ? peu importe.. et le sens figuratif, l’interet, un message ? L’exploitation animale où encore la génétique à coup sûre ?
Theater Textiles sculptures ART of Valeria Dalmon ! (Argentine)
Visual Artist Sculptor. Film and theater director (objects, special costumes, masks, full heads of animals, dolls, puppets, costumes, memorabilia direct manipulation, scenic objects, models) I teach in my private studio : sculpture, modeling, drawing, construction of objects from recycled materials, wood, wire, material utilization, textiles, sewing, handling tools,
Papers from student projects, and work to begin to approach the visual arts. Composition, balance, dolls, masks, cartapesta, puppets, etc..
WOW Le Blue Bay Shepherds !
Le Blue Bay Shepherd est né du rêve un peu fou de Vicki Spencer, une éleveuse réputée de Floride : produire un chien ressemblant à un loup, mais avec un caractère facile et un comportement aisement gérable par le plus grand nombre.
Après avoir cherché pendant des années le berger allemand bleu idéal qui allait à la fois apporter un caractère en or, des oreilles pas trop grandes, des yeux clairs et une santé parfaite à cette nouvelle race, Vicki a trouvé dans les bergers allemands bleus français les chiens parfaits qu’elle allait pouvoir enfin utiliser pour créer son chien rêvé.
De cette rencontre entre un lou et un Berger Allemand est né le « Blue Bay Shepherd« , un chien d’une rare beauté, d’une grande intelligence, sensible et fascinant.
Les chiens utilisés dans les lignées de Blue Bay pour augmenter le pool génétique seront rigoureusement selectionnés pour leur apparence, leur caractere et leur santé.
Les premiers chiots ont vu le jour en Floride en mars 2011, de 3 paires de fondateurs. Il y a actuellement moins de 50 Blue Bay Shepherds dans le monde.
Toutes les photos et videos utilisées pour ce post viennent de la page dédiée : /Ohanzee
Elevage officiel en France – www.lesgardiensdupacte.com
Quelques liens :
Voir aussi mon POST sur Lucian le chien loup
Bestiaire et Trophée originale de Valency Genis. (Albuquerque)
Mixed media artist, sculptor and photographer. Original Creature creator, animal lover, mad scientist…