Tous les articles dans Animaux

85 Articles

La nuit du cerf de Vincent Munier

La nuit du cerf de Vincent Munier. Une magnifique vidéo sur le brame du cerf.

Film court réalisé à l’occasion de la sortie du livre CD « La nuit du cerf« , signé par le photographe Vincent Munier et l’audio-naturaliste Marc Namblard, paru aux éditions Kobalann.
Plus d’infos sur
Livre CD disponible sur

Images : Vincent Munier
Sound recording : Marc Namblard
Editing : Laurent Joffrion


  • David Lloyd – photo lionne wild life
  • David Lloyd – photography elephant wild life
  • David Lloyd – photo lion
  • David Lloyd – photo lion
  • David Lloyd – photo lion
  • David Lloyd – photo lion kenya
  • David Lloyd – photo hyenne
  • David Lloyd – photo lion
  • David Lloyd – lionceau photographie
  • David Lloyd Wildlife Photography – The boss

David Lloyd Wild Life Photography

David Lloyd Wild Life Photography, living in UK. Commended in Wildlife Photographer of the year in 2011 and 2014, Highly Honoured in Natures Best 2012 and thrice in 2014

David Lloyd - photo lion

Realistic Puppies Sculptures Minami Kawasaki

Realistic Puppies Sculptures Minami Kawasaki. (Japan)
Named « Home sweet home« , so cute !.-  Wool sculptures.

No more information about this artist ?

Minami Kawasaki - Home Sweet Home - puppies

Minami Kawasaki – Home Sweet Home – puppies


Magnifique video Antarctica

Magnifique video Antarctica, tournée en décembre et janvier 2015 par le suédois Kalle Ljung parti à la découverte de l’Antarctique avec son père..
A voir en pleine ecran.

Antarctica from Kalle Ljung on Vimeo.

This movie was shot during our 20 days trip to Antarctica in December 2014 to January 2015.

We started from Ushuaia in Argentina and went to Port Williams in Chile, rounded Cape Horn and crossed the Drake Passage towards the Melchior Islands in Antarctica. We spent 16 days in the Antarctic and got to experience the most amazing scenery and wildlife before we returned back to Ushuaia.

Filmed with GoPro HERO3+ Black Edition and DJI Phantom 2, edited with Final Cut Pro X.

  • Mélanie Bourlon – Papier maché sculptures
  • Mélanie Bourlon – Papier maché sculptures
  • Mélanie Bourlon – Sculptures Papier maché – Death
  • Mélanie Bourlon – Papier maché sculptures Cerf
  • Mélanie Bourlon – Papier maché sculptures – le petit chaperon rouge
  • Mélanie Bourlon – Papier maché sculptures chat
  • Mélanie Bourlon – Papier maché sculptures chat
  • Mélanie Bourlon – Papier maché sculptures corset
  • Mélanie Bourlon – Papier maché sculptures
  • Mélanie Bourlon – Papier maché sculptures
  • Mélanie Bourlon – Papier maché sculptures – Jaguarde
  • Mélanie Bourlon – Papier maché sculptures – Jeune Loup papier
  • Mélanie Bourlon – Lievre blanc – sculpture papier maché

Les magnifiques Papiers-Mâchés de Melanie Bourlon

Les magnifiques Papiers-Mâchés de Melanie Bourlon. (Isère – FR)
Artiste autodidacte, Mélanie Bourlon travaille depuis 8 ans le papier pour en faire éclore lion lynx, ours ou vache dans sa boutique atelier qui a pignon sur rue aux Avenières en Isère. Elle partage bien volontiers sa passion et anime des ateliers.

Mélanie Bourlon - Sculptures Papier maché - Death

Mélanie Bourlon – Sculptures Papier maché – Death

Le travail de Mélanie Bourlon s’inscrit dans une démarche de simplicité, au sens noble du terme. 
Elle cultive un jardin où l’être prend le pas sur l’avoir au travers d’un bestiaire qui égrène des traits humains qui se réconcilient avec la nature. 
Le choix de matières dites pauvresbrutes, ou peu onéreuses, qu’elle glane et récupère puis détourne, illustre son univers de fables dans lequel elle se jour des modes et des époques toujours dans un soucis d’esthétique, du beau, fait avec peu de choses
Le motif, qu’il soit animal ou végétal, travaillé grandeur nature connait une renaissance, une revisite naturaliste.
L’habit, ici, ne fait pas l’âne.

  • Bioluminescent forest – Ufo_Mushroom
  • Bioluminescent forest – blurry_lights
  • Bioluminescent forest – WIP
  • Bioluminescent forest – Toad
  • Bioluminescent forest – mushroom_round_03
  • Bioluminescent forest – mushroom_round_02
  • Bioluminescent forest – moss_dots
  • Bioluminescent forest – moss_dots_closeup

Bioluminescent forest Project

Bioluminescent forest Project : Magic !

Bioluminescent forest - moss_dots_closeup

Bioluminescent forest – moss_dots_closeup

The projection mapping « bioluminescent forest » is made by artists Friedrich van Schoor and Tarek Mawad.
The artists spent six weeks in the forest fascinated by the silence and natural occurrences in nature, especially the phenomenon « bioluminescence ». They personified the forest to accentuate the natural beauty by creating luring luminescent plants and glowing magical mushrooms that speaks volumes to any visitor that enters the minds of the artists through viewing « bioluminescent forest ».

  • Frédérique Morrel – mixed taxidermy tapestries sculptures
  • Frédérique Morrel – Waiting for the spark of life
  • Frédérique Morrel – Sculptures tapissées
  • Frédérique Morrel – Mixed media textile sculptures
  • Frédérique Morrel – horse sculptures tapestries
  • Frédérique Morrel – Gallery preview sculptures
  • Frédérique Morrel – mixed media textile sculptures
  • Frédérique Morrel – Gallery preview sculptures
  • Frédérique Morrel – Vintage tapestries
  • Frédérique Morrel univers
  • Frédérique Morrel – mixed taxidermy tapestries sculptures
  • Frédérique Morrel – THE PURGATORY CORNER- Sculptures tapissées
  • Frédérique Morrel – Sculptures tapissées
  • Frederique Morrel’s Xmas windo at Bergdorf Goodman
  • Frédérique Morrel – Vintage tapestries
  • Frédérique Morrel – sculptures trophy
  • Frédérique Morrel – bonny – mixed media textile sculptures
  • Frédérique Morrel – Beautiful Art Tapestry sculptures
  • Frédérique Morrel – Tapestry Sculptures
  • Frédérique Morrel – Tapestry Sculptures
  • Frédérique Morrel – Tapestry Sculptures
  • Frédérique Morrel – Tapestry Sculptures
  • Frédérique Morrel – Tapestry Sculptures
  • Frédérique Morrel portrait
  • Frédérique Morrel portrait artiste

Beautiful Art Tapestries sculptures of Frederique Morrel

Beautiful Art Tapestry sculptures of Frederique Morrel. Multi-talent artiste (France, Paris)

Craquage total pour l’œuvre très créative de cette artiste !
Un univers frais, coloré et joyeux.

Frédérique Morrel - bonny - mixed media textile sculptures

« We speak to animals in their own language. We like materials that tell stories of simple, ideal happiness, and that have been caressed by many hands.
We are inspired by Adam and Eve. The Garden of Eden. temptation. Original sin. The fall of man. Paradise Lost. Deluge. Apocalypse. Noah’s ark. Redemption. Re-birth. Vanities. Veneration.
We Question the dynamics of man vs woman, craft vs industry, of art vs decoration, of man vs animal, of beauty vs ugly, luxury vs cheap. »

  • Lion – Kendra Haste – Galvanised wire Sculptures
  • Kendra Haste – lion – sculpture fil de fer – grillages / Galvanised wire
  • Kendra Haste – HORSE HEAD -sculpture fil de fer  – Sculptures grillage / Galvanised wire
  • Kendra Haste – HORSE HEAD -sculpture fil de fer  – Sculptures grillage / Galvanised wire
  • Kendra Haste – HORSE HEAD -sculpture fil de fer  – Sculptures grillage / Galvanised wire
  • Kendra Haste – Baboons – Sculptures grillage / Galvanised wire
  • Kendra Haste – Baboons – Sculptures grillage / Galvanised wire
  • Kendra Haste – Timber wolf – Wire sculpture
  • Kendra Haste – ARIZONA JACKRABBIT (2013) – Sculptures grillage
  • Kendra Haste – ARIZONA JACKRABBIT (2013) – Sculptures grillage
  • Kendra Haste – Wire sculptures
  • Kendra Haste – RHINOCEROS – Steel armature & painted galvanised wire

Sculptures en { grillage } de Kendra Haste

Sculptures en { grillage } de Kendra Haste. (GB) / Galvanised wire Sculptures

Kendra Haste - ARIZONA JACKRABBIT (2013) - Sculptures grillage

Kendra Haste – ARIZONA JACKRABBIT (2013) – Sculptures grillage

« What interests me most about studying animals is identifying the spirit and character of the individual creatures. I try to create a sense of the living, breathing subject in a static 3-D form, attempting to convey the emotional essence without indulging in the sentimental or anthropomorphic »

Recently commissioned by Historic Royal Palaces to fabricate thirteen sculptures as part of an exhibition ‘Royal Beasts’ exploring the history of the Royal Menagerie at the Tower of London. The work will remain on-site as a permanent installation once the exhibition finishes.
Made from her trademark material, galvanised wire; life-size lions, baboons, a polar bear and an elephant help tell the story of the exotic animals that were a popular tourist attraction at the Tower from the 1100s.

  • Magnifiques photographies baleines – Darren Jew
  • Beautiful whales photography – Darren Jew – Australia
  • Beautiful under sea photography – Darren Jew – Australia
  • Beautiful whales photography – Darren Jew – Australia
  • Beautiful whales photography – Darren Jew – Australia
  • Beautiful whales photography – Darren Jew – Australia
  • Beautiful whales photography – Darren Jew – Australia
  • Beautiful whales photo – Darren Jew – Australia
  • Darren Jew – Young male humpback
  • Beautiful whales photo – Darren Jew – Australia
  • Beautiful under sea photography – Darren Jew – Australia
  • Beautiful under sea photography – Darren Jew – Australia
  • Beautiful whales photography – Darren Jew – Australia

Plongez avec Darren Jew

Plongez avec Darren Jew ! (Australia) et découvrez ses photographies sous-marines exceptionnelles, notamment de baleines.
Il  a travaillé durant 8 ans pour le Parc National du Queensland. Il voyage en Australie, en Afrique, Alaska, Patagonie, ou encore en Antartique.. et shoot en canon.

Beautiful whales photography - Darren Jew - Australia

Beautiful whales photography – Darren Jew – Australia


Having been inspired to explore a career in nature photography by my father’s travels in Antarctica, I now pursue a passion for capturing and sharing the wonder of the natural world.
After graduating from the Queensland College of Art, I first worked in commercial photography, before taking up a position as photographer with the Queensland National Parks and Wildlife Service, where I worked for 8 years.
I moved on from that part of my career in 1994 and my work is now published widely in books, magazines and paper products. I’ve had the opportunity to photograph extensively across Australia and in Africa, Alaska, Patagonia and Antarctica and have introduced many people to the world’s great wildlife and landscape destinations first hand, through small group photography tours, predominantly to Africa and Antarctica and the Pacific.

Canon Master:: Darren Jew from Untitled Film Works on Vimeo.

Il paraît que c’est interdit, mais apparemment c’est efficace et terriblement jouissif…

Il paraît que c’est interdit, mais apparemment c’est efficace et terriblement jouissif…
Comment embêter les chasseurs dans la forêt…

  • saone de stalh – sculpture – brann 2014
  • saone de stalh – sculpture – cheval atelier
  • saone de stalh – sculpture – cheval atelier
  • saone de stalh – sculpture – cheval resine
  • saone de stalh – sculpture – cheval resine
  • saone de stalh – sculpture – cheval resine conception
  • saone de stalh – sculpture – cheval atelier structure
  • saone de stalh – sculpture – cheval resine conception
  • saone de stalh – sculpture monumental – cheval brann – 2014
  • saone de stalh – sculpture – cheval resine
  • saone de stalh – sculpture – Portrait

Horses sculptures of Saone de Stalh

Horses sculptures of Saone de Stalh. (FR) née en 1984.

Sculpteur-plasticienne, elle se consacre entièrement à un projet : la réalisation de sculptures équestres monumentales.
Les sculptures de cette jeune artiste trouvent leurs racines dans les hantises secrètes où prennent vie les mouvements naturels à l’animal. La langue de la matière se lit surtout à travers la structure de l’œuvre : dans les mains de Saône de Stalh le corps du cheval respire, instinct et imaginaire se rejoignent pour inventer un surcroit de présence. C’est précisément la combinaison de l’aspect de témoignage et l’amour des formes puissantes qui est alternée dans cette recherche abrupte, consciente, qui interroge l’homme sur son animalité. Au cours de ce cérémonial de création en clair-obscur, l’artiste permet à la ligne de dégager son incroyable force.
Une sculpture nécessite addition de plusieurs techniques. Au commencement, il y a le bois qui forme grossièrement la structure de l’animal. Les membres sont ensuite formés grâce à des moules en résine réalisés grâce à une première sculpture. Après le bois et la résine vient le papier qui donne une forme plus réaliste à la sculpture mais c’est ensuite l’application de plusieurs couches de résine qui donnera la forme finale au cheval. Pour niveler l’ensemble, plusieurs heures de ponçage sont ensuite nécessaires. La peinture donne alors la touche finale à l’ensemble.

Saône Stahl is a French artist born in 1984 Sculptor-visual artist, she devoted herself fully to a project: achieving monumental equestrian sculptures. The sculptures of this young artist are rooted in secret obsessions that come to life the natural movements of the animal. The language of the material reads mainly through the structure of the work: in the hands of Saône de Stalh, the horse’s body breathing: instinct and imagination come together to invent extra presence. It is precisely the combination of appearance and testimony of the love of powerful forms that alternates in this abrupt research, conscious, interviewing the man on his animal. During this ceremony on « light and dark », the artist allows the line to clear his incredible strength.
A sculpture requires addition of several techniques. In the beginning, there was wood that roughly forms the structure of the animal. Members are then trained through resin molds made through a first sculpture. After wood and resin comes the paper gives a more realistic shape to the sculpture but then the application of several layers of resin that will give the final shape to the horse. To level the set, several hours sanding are then needed. The painting then gives the final touch to the whole.

Expo HIP Galerie à Paris du 20 au 28 novembre 2014 avec l’association ArAnima.

  • Tubiana Marion – Pastels et photographies – Ourasi
  • Tubiana Marion – Pastels cheval in progress
  • Marion Tubiana – Huile sur toile – Cheval
  • Tubiana Marion – Magnifiques Pastels cheval
  • Tubiana Marion – Pastels et photographies / pastel equin in progress
  • Tubiana Marion – Pastels et photographies – in progress
  • Tubiana Marion – Pastels et photographies – Hickstead
  • Marion Tubiana – oil painting – Peinture à l’huile 50 x 70 cm
  • Tubiana Marion – Pastel
  • Tubiana Marion – Pastels et photographies – dessin jument
  • Marion Tubiana – Horse Pastels
  • Marion Tubiana – Horse Pastels frison
  • Marion Tubiana – Pastels horse
  • Tubiana Marion – Pastels et photographies – portrait

Magnifiques pastels de Marion Tubiana

Magnifiques pastels de Marion Tubiana (FR)
et aussi Peinture à l’huile et photographies.

Marion Tubiana - oil painting - Peinture à l'huile 50 x 70 cm

Marion Tubiana – oil painting – Peinture à l’huile 50 x 70 cm

Pastels et huiles sur toile, reproductions animalieres et équines,
peintures et photographie (studio photos itinerant).

  • Rebekah Bogard – Flesh & Bone Exhibition
  • Rebekah Bogard – Flesh & Bone Exhibition1
  • Rebekah Bogard – Flesh & Bone Exhibition
  • Rebekah Bogard – Earthenware-oil-paint-underglaze-glaze
  • Rebekah Bogard – Sculptures
  • Rebekah Bogard – Heaven – Sculptures exhibition AMOCA
  • Rebekah Bogard – Heaven – Sculptures exhibition AMOCA
  • Rebekah Bogard – Heaven – Sculptures exhibition AMOCA
  • Rebekah Bogard – Flowers sculptures
  • Rebekah Bogard – portrait / Sculpture of Clayton Keyes

Enchanted world of Rebekah Bogard sculptures

Enchanted world of Rebekah Bogard sculptures. (USA)

Rebekah Bogard started drawing animals when she was growing up in Wyoming, and she never stopped, not even as a grad student at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Rebekah Bogard - Sculptures

Rebekah Bogard – Sculptures

“I enjoy utilizing animals because they are beautiful and mysterious creatures, vulnerable to relations with humans. This susceptibility gives them a sense of benevolence that is often lacking in human associations….Some pieces look cute, sweet and innocent, but upon closer inspection, one realizes that the piece is conceptually more complicated. They may be read simultaneously as happy-go-lucky as well as melancholic and out of place. I blend the beautiful with the sad, fantasy with reality, idealism with truth as well as the sexual with the innocent.”

  • Alessandro Gallo _ sculptures – Strani Incontri
  • Alessandro Gallo _ sculptures – Strani Incontri
  • Alessandro Gallo – Sculptures – Beginning of a great adventure
  • Alessandro Gallo  – Human animal hybrids sculptures
  • Alessandro Gallo – Sea (2012) – ceramic, 14,75 x 17 x 10 in
  • Alessandro Gallo  – Human animal hybrids sculptures
  • Alessandro Gallo  – Human animal hybrids sculptures
  • Alessandro Gallo – sculptures – betta
  • Alessandro Gallo – « Elevator » 2016
  • Alessandro Gallo _ sculptures ceramic / Italy
  • Alessandro Gallo _ sculptures ceramic / Italy
  • Alessandro Gallo _ sculptures – Strani Incontri
  • Alessandro Gallo  – Human animal hybrids sculptures

Human-Animal Hybrids sculptures of Alessandro Gallo

Human-Animal Hybrids sculptures of Alessandro Gallo (Italy) – where bird people hang out on a ledge, Tattooed lizards chill with a mild case of beer guts, and a cornucopia of creatures read and patiently wait at a bus stop.

Born Genoa 1974. Alessandro Gallo works both in Italy, Genoa and London with Beth Cavener.

Alessandro Gallo _ sculptures ceramic / Italy

Alessandro Gallo _ sculptures ceramic / Italy

Solo show opening at Jonathan LeVine Gallery on September 6, 2014 titled « Strani Incontri » (« Strange Encounters »)


  • Adonna Khare Artist – wolfes
  • Adonna Khare Artist – Mural Fresque Elephants
  • Adonna Khare Artist – Mural Fresque Chimps
  • Adonna Khare Artist – Fresque
  • Adonna Khare Artist – Fresque Sleeping-Chimp
  • Adonna Khare Artist – Fresques Murales
  • Adonna Khare Artist – Mural Fresque Elephants
  • Adonna Khare Artist – Fresque lions
  • Adonna Khare Artist – Fresque Murale ours
  • Adonna Khare Artist – Fresque éléphants
  • Adonna Khare Artist – Mural Fresque Elephants
  • Adonna Khare Artist
  • Adonna portrait – fresques murales

Fresques murales de Adonna Khare

Fresques murales de Adonna Khare, Southern California Based Artist. !!!

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