Magnifique travail du papier / Art Paper & Wire Sculpture by Polyscene (england)
polyscene - Paper and Wire The Sharp-beaked hound of Zeus
polyscene - Paper and Wire The Sharp-beaked hound of Zeus
polyscene - tissue paper sculpture - skull
polyscene - tissue paper sculpture - skull
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polyscene - Harpie
Paper Sculpture - Tissue Paper Facial Musculature
polyscene - Tissue Paper Sculpture -Gynaecological
polyscene - Tissue Paper Sculpture -Fallopian tube
polyscene - Cow Jumped Over the Moon
Art Paper & Wire Sculpture by Polyscene
Date: 20/12/2013
Auteur: LilaVert I-I
Commentaires: 0
Catégories: art - Artiste - Creation - Mixed-Art - Paper Art - Sculptures
Tags: art - art contemporain - artiste - artistique - fil de fer - light sculpture - matériaux - Mixed media artiste - mixed-art - mixed-media - paper sculpture - papier - sculpture - sculpture papier - sculptures - Technique mixte - tissus - Wire Sculpture